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Town Digital Library
Town Board Meeting Minutes
2011 Town Board Meeting Minutes
> November 2, 2011: Special Board Meeting
November 2, 2011: Special Board MeetingMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING Of November 2, 2011 Chairperson Lu Peet called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 4:05PM. Roll call was taken and all were present except Chris Webb. Clerk-Treasurer Brustad verified the meeting was posted as required. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: Agenda 1) Discussion and approval of used truck purchase for Highway use Roads Foreman Bob Lang presented his information on the dump truck he found for $36,000.00. It will need some work, and he will have that all done before he puts it in for use. The truck is a 2000 Mack model CL713. Peet asked for a motion to approve the purchase. Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the purchase of the 2000 Mack dump truck model CL713 form Eric Sunde for $36,000.00. Roll call vote taken and all [resent responded yes. Motion carried. Motion (Porter/Peet) to adjourn the Special Town Board meeting of October 20, 2011. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 4:15PM.
Respectfully Submitted, Elaine Brustad Clerk-Treasurer Dated this 8th day of November, 2011