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Home > Town Digital Library > Town Board Meeting Minutes > 2011 Town Board Meeting Minutes > Special Town Board Meeting - October 20, 2011

Special Town Board Meeting - October 20, 2011




Of October 20, 2011


Chairperson Lu Peet called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 5:06PM. Roll call was taken and all were present.   Clerk-Treasurer Brustad verified the meeting was posted as required. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:



1)               Budget review for 2012 budget


Roads Foreman Bob Lang presented his information on what he expects to spend by year end.   He also asked for approval to purchase a larger used dump truck that can also be used for snow plowing.  He said the smaller ones are not efficient when hauling gravel or sand as they have to be re-filled so often.  The bigger truck can haul more and make fewer trips. He will ask for a Special Town Board meeting once he finds a truck he likes and within his budget. 

Brustad explained most everything was input into the new budget for their review.  There were a few items needing to be corrected, and then she could email it to everyone for their ok.  There shouldn’t be a need for another meeting unless the board feels there should be one.  The Budget Hearing and Special Town Meeting will be before the November Regular Town Board meeting. 


Motion (Porter/Peet) to adjourn the Special Town Board meeting of October 20, 2011. Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 6:50PM. 



Respectfully Submitted,



Elaine Brustad


Dated this 24th Day of October, 2011


The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
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