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Aquatic Invasive Species Committee
AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes
2011 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes
> August 15, 2011 Meeting
August 15, 2011 MeetingEWM Committee Meeting Monday, August 15, 6:30 p.m. Barnes Town Hall Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Dave Pease, Sally Pease, Glenda Mattila, Jeremy Bates, Gerald Gustafson (Gus), Lee Wiesner, Mitch McGee. Absent: Pamela Toshner 1. Minutes from the July Meeting Ingemar reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. A motion to accept the minutes for the July 18th meeting was made by Dave Pease, seconded by Lee Wiesner, passed. Ingemar added that he sent a thank you to Maddie for her discovery of EWM in George Lake. Gus handed out a report that recorded boat tracking information from the monitored lakes for the last four years. Gus distributed the AIS grant summary of hours and corresponding costs. He also reported there is $10,662 left in the 2008, 2009 & 2010 grant which can be used for the Tomahawk Lake project. 2. CBCW program Sally indicated the program is going well. One person accessing the lake gave the volunteer a hassle. Most everyone is cooperative – incidents like this are the exception. 3. George Lake and Rapid Response Activities Lee verified that there is EWM in George Lake. John Kudlas continues to pull the EW and has a group of folks helping him. Matt Berg did a point intercept survey of the lake and found EWM in several areas. He believes the plants are over a year old. Pamela, Lee, John Kudlas and Ingemar will be meeting in Spooner tomorrow for a conference call with Tim Asplund to discuss the situations on George, Sand Bar and Tomahawk Lakes. Lee has completed the paperwork to apply for the rapid response grant and it will be presented to the Barnes Town Board tomorrow night. Lee discussed the concept of having gates at boat landings and boats are not admitted to the landing unless the boat has been inspected at an inspection station. 4. Tomahawk and Sand Bar Lake Progress The plans for Tomahawk and Sand Bar Lakes will be discussed at the Spooner meeting tomorrow. Glenda talked about the quantity of EWM that is coming back on Sand Bar Lake. It appears it is spreading through Tomahawk Lake as well. She indicated property owners will want to know what steps are going to be taken. Some discussion followed on the topic of different treatment options, including spot treatment. 5. Shoreline monitor program – Lee, Sally, Ingemar The group of three has been compiling a list of shoreline monitors. They have been successful in getting monitors for most of the lakes in the area. We will do a mailing to all the people on the list advising them how to do the monitoring. 6. AIS Activities Ingemar showed the group all the handouts the attendees at Jeremy’s workshop received. Jeremy felt the program could be tailored to explain the procedures for monitoring better. The group brainstormed about getting the message about EWM out on placemats and coasters. The DNR will be doing an AIS survey on Upper Eau Claire next week. 7. Which EWM options are best? All of the experiences we’ve been through have given us a lot of information. The point intercept studies aren’t foolproof. Ingemar felt having a person snorkel in the suspect areas in addition to point intercept would be beneficial. The group discussed asking scuba hobbyists to help with pulling EWM as a volunteer project. Mitch asked if an underwater camera of some sort could be used. 8. Next Meeting September 19, 6:30 P.M. Barnes Town Hall Motion to adjourn: Glenda; seconded by Gus; passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM |