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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2011 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > EWM Minutes - 2011 - April 18

EWM Minutes - 2011 - April 18

EWM Committee meeting
Monday, April 18, 2011 6:30 p.m.
Barnes Town Hall
Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order.
Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Dave Pease, Sally Pease, Jeremy Bates, Glenda Mattila, Mitch McGee, Pamela Toshner, Gerald Gustafson (Gus)
Absent: Lee Wiesner
1.      Minutes from the February Meeting
Ingemar reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. A motion to accept the minutes for the February 21st meeting was made by Dave Pease, seconded by Gerald Gustafson; passed.
2.      Shoreline Monitoring
Some discussion followed about finding more shoreline monitors and the form that is used to record the shoreline monitoring activities.
3.      Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
Barb reported that arrangements have been made for the luncheon. Invitations have been sent out to almost twice as many people as last year. We are hoping for a good turnout. The CBCW staff will be present and introduced at the lunch. We will hand out shoreline monitoring forms. Lee will talk briefly about the rapid response program.
4.      Staff, CBCW, for 2011 season
The three boat landing monitors from 2010 are returning for this coming summer. Sally Pease will be returning as the coordinator. We also have three alternates, Gene Ratzel, Walter Pease and Dave Pease.
5.      Coordinator’s job description for 2011
Dave Pease distributed copies of the updated job description for the Boat Landing Monitor Coordinator. The group reviewed the description and made a minor change. Ingemar indicated he would like to review it over the next month and bring any additional suggestions to the May meeting.
6.      Early Spring chemical treatment of Sand Bar Lake
Treatment will begin on Sand Bar Lake when the water temperature reaches 55 degrees. John Skogerboe estimates that date will be around the middle of May. Some discussion followed about the boat activity on Sand Bar Lake this summer. Pamela indicated boating activity shouldn’t make any difference in the effectiveness of the treatment. “Research Lake” signs and buoys will be placed on Sand Bar Lake for the summer.
7.      2011 duties for monitoring Sand Bar Lake project
The DNR research people will be on Sand Bar and Tomahawk Lakes in mid-July to do the plant surveys. Pamela will check with Scott to see when the DNR will be monitoring the fish population on either of the two lakes. There are plans to do well water testing for Sand Bar Lake residents who are interested. Ingemar will get in touch with John Skogerboe to find out what the Corps of Engineers has planned for getting water samples, water temperatures and other data this summer for Sand Bar Lake.
8.      June meeting with Sand Bar/Tomahawk Lake property owners
The group discussed the need for a meeting in June for the property owners. We decided that we would not have a meeting this summer but we will send an informational letter in the next couple weeks advising the Sand Bar Lake property owners about the upcoming treatment of the lake.
9.      Report from April 2, 2011 Bayfield County Lake Group Round Table
Our group missed the opportunity to attend Bayfield County lakes forum. Jeremy will distribute the summary of the meeting to our group via email.
10. Status of private donation to CBCW’s program
Gus will talk with Elaine to see if there is a way to designate the funds that have been contributed by POA members be specifically used for that program.
11. Other Business
·         Stephania sent greetings to all the committee members.
·         Ingemar asked Jeremy to bring us some boat landing signs.  
12. Next Meeting May 16, 2011, 6:30 P.M. Barnes Town Hall
Motion to adjourn: Mitch McGee; seconded by Glenda Mattila; passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM

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