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Town Digital Library
Town Board Meeting Minutes
2011 Town Board Meeting Minutes
> Minutes of the Reconvened Board of Review August 15, 2011
Minutes of the Reconvened Board of Review August 15, 2011
Minutes of the Reconvened Meeting of the Board of Review August 15, 2011 Town Chair Lu Peet called the meeting to order at 5:05PM. The assessor signed the Assessor’s Affidavit in the presence of the Clerk and the Clerk verified she had checked the assessment roll for obvious errors and omissions. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Present were Board of Review members Lu Peet, Jack Meinke, Mitch McGee, Donna Porter Chris Webb and Elaine Brustad. Assessor Charlotte Johnson was also present. First order of business was to nominate and elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the Board of Review. Motion (Brustad/Meinke) to nominate Lu Peet for Chairperson. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Motion (McGee/Meinke) to nominate Donna Porter for Vice Chairperson. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Brustad verified there were 3 members who had received training last year, Lu Peet, Donna Porter and Jack Meinke, and this training was still good for this year. Clerk Brustad swore in the Assessor, Charlotte Johnson for all testimony. Larry Peterson was in the process of filling out his objection form. Motion (Meinke/Webb) to waive the 48 hour notice requirement for Larry Peterson’s objection. Motion carried with all voting in favor. Brustad swore in Larry Peterson for his testimony. He stated he had two properties that were being taxed separately, which he had asked numerous times if the Assessor could combine as they were too close together to sell individually. His daughter’s cabin on Lot 7 was being taxed at $101,800.00. His residence was being taxed at $226,300.00, which Charlotte had reduced from last year. He felt they should both be at that amount and combined. Charlotte stated she did have the daughter’s property at zero, and had combined them per her records. Both properties should have the combined assessment total of $226,300.00. She did not know why the county had them differently on the assessment roll. Motion (Webb/Meinke) to reduce the assessment on Lot 7 from $101,800.00 to zero as it was previously combined per Charlotte Johnson, the Assessor. The parcel ID number is 04-004-2-44-09-04-3-00-658-70000. Roll call vote taken and all agreed yes. Motion carried. There were no other objections brought before the Board of Review. Motion (Webb/McGee) to adjourn the Board of Review for June 21, 2010. Motion carried. The Board of Review was adjourned at 7:05PM Respectfully submitted, Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk for the Board of Review Dated this 19th Day of August, 2011