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Town Digital Library
Town Board Meeting Minutes
2011 Town Board Meeting Minutes
> Special Town Board Meeting August 22, 2011
Special Town Board Meeting August 22, 2011
MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING Of August 22, 2011 Supervisor Christine Webb called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 5:05PM. Roll call was taken and Webb, Jack Meinke, and Mitch McGee were present. Absent were Lu Peet and Donna Porter. Roads Foreman Bob Lang was in attendance as well. Clerk-Treasurer Brustad verified the meeting was posted as required. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: Agenda 1) Open bids for hauling gravel from Del Jerome’s pit on County Highway N to 43 road off Highway 27. Two bids were received. Brustad opened the first bid from Mark Rasmussen Excavating. The total submitted was $4.75 per ton or $9,500.00 for the 2000 tons specified. The second bid form Olson Brothers Contractors came in at $$5.95 per ton or a total of $11,900.00. Motion (McGee/Meinke) to accept the bid from Mark Rasmussen Excavating, Inc for $4.75 per ton. Webb called for discussion. Bob explained it was quite a bit higher than he thought, he had only submitted $6,700.00 for the grant amount. Roll call vote taken and all present responded yes. Motion carried. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to adjourn the meeting of August 22, 2011. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:12PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elaine Brustad Clerk-Treasurer Dated this 25th Day of August, 2011 |