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Town Board Meeting Minutes
2011 Town Board Meeting Minutes
> Special Town Board Meeting July 6, 2011
Special Town Board Meeting July 6, 2011
MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING Of July 6, 2011 Chair Lu Peet called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 5:00PM. Roll call taken and present were Lu Peet, Christine Webb and Jack Meinke. Absent were Donna Porter and Mitch McGee. A quorum was established. Brustad verified the agenda had been posted as required. T he agenda for the meeting is as follows: Agenda 1) Discussion and possible approval of Class B Combo License for Graese’s Bar and Grill LLC, d/b/a Northwoods Tap, Kendall P Graese, Agent Brustad reported nothing had been done at the Department of Revenue to get his Seller’s permit re-established. No taxes had been paid either. He owes real estate taxes and personal property taxes amounting to approximately $1400.00 plus interest. The $500.00 license fee has not been paid. After discussion, the board will put this on the agenda for this upcoming Monday’s Special Town Board meeting to give him a few more days. Brustad had left a message for him to call before the meeting tonight, but Ken had not yet returned her call. Motion (Webb/Meinke) to table this item until the Special Town Board Meeting to be held on Monday, July 11th at 5:00PM. Motion carried. Motion (Peet/Meinke) to adjourn the Special Town Board meeting of July 6, 2011. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:13PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elaine Brustad Clerk-Treasurer Dated this 7th day of July, 2011