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Town Board Meeting Minutes
2011 Town Board Meeting Minutes
> Regular Town Board Meeting June 21, 2011
Regular Town Board Meeting June 21, 2011
MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF BARNES REGULAR BOARD MEETING June 21, 2011 Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 5:30PM. A Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum and verification of public notice was asked of Clerk-Treasurer Brustad by Peet. Al board members were present; Brustad verified the agenda had been posted as required. Peet asked for a motion to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c) “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. The board will reconvene to the regular session after the Public Hearing at approximately 6:30PM. Motion (Porter/Meinke) to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c) “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried. Motion (Webb/Porter) to return to the regular open session. Motion carried. No decisions were made in closed session and discussion was limited to only what was noticed. The board returned to the floor at 6:08PM. Public Hearing: Call the Public Hearing on Resolution for discontinuance of Metcalf and Carlstrom Roads. Peet called the Public Hearing to order at 6:12PM. A letter received from Corinne Metcalf was read. She was opposed to the discontinuance of Metcalf road as it was one of the reasons they purchased that property in 1991. If it is to be reverted back to the homeowners, she asked that the town hand it back in safe and satisfactory condition. It presently has wash outs and pot holes and is desperately in need of gravel. Bob Lang, Road Foreman, said they could put some gravel on it and grade it before it was discontinued. The Metcalf road only serves 1 person and there is no place to turn around. Norma Carlstrom spoke and she understood the need to discontinue Carlstrom road. Bob Lang said he would grade theirs as well. No one else wished to speak at the Hearing so Chairperson Peet closed the Public Hearing at 6:30PM. Chair Lu Peet reconvened the Regular Town Board Meeting at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. Peet asked for a motion to approve the June Agenda, approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board meeting and a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes. Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the agenda, the minutes of the last Regular Town Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes. Motion carried. The agenda follows: NOTICE TOWN OF BARNES REGULAR BOARD MEETING June 21, 2011 at 5:30PM AGENDA Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 5:30PM Pledge Allegiance to the Flag Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice Closed Session. The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c) “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. The board will reconvene to the regular session after the Public Hearing at approximately 6:30PM Public Hearing: Call the Public Hearing on Resolution for discontinuance of Metcalf and Carlstrom Roads to order at 6:00PM Reconvene the Regular Town Board meeting at 6:30PM Motion to approve the June Agenda, approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board meeting and a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes. Voucher’s Approval Treasurer’s Report Clerk Correspondence Set Open Book and Board of Review date Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda Open proposals for Assessment Services for 2012 with option for a 3 year maintenance contract Department Head Reports: Highway Approve Resolution to discontinue Augustine Road Approve Resolution to discontinue Allison Road Approve issuance of Highway Orders to Discontinue Metcalf and Carlstrom Roads Acceptance of Conservation Club’s gift to the town of their building Approval to amend the budget to add $9,385.00 received for grant to gravel Halfway road, $4,825.00 grant received by the DNR for tree removal on Eight Mile lake road and to amend the road outlay expense budget for the same amounts. Cemetery Fire and Ambulance Department Approve Resolution of Intent to Participate in the development of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan Constable Committee Reports Eurasian Water Milfoil committee Parks Committee Approval of request for $60.00 to hold a dedication ceremony on July 4th for the new park equipment Cell Tower Communications Committee Land Use Planning Commission Zoning: 1) Special Use Permit Application by John & Julie Melin to use an existing mobile home on their property for storage only at 6595 Hall Road 2) Class A Special Use request by John Traynor to build a residence on his property at 4080 E Robinson Lake Road that is zoned Forestry 1 Liquor License Renewals: Class a Combo License for: Jim’s Bait LLC Class B Combo License for: RC’s Decoy Inn, Kendall P. Graese d/b/a Northwood’s Tap, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post Inc., Downtown Barnes, Inc. d/b/a Cedar Lodge Steakhouse & Grille, Traut’s Resort, LLC, Doorn’s Inn Inc., Cleo M. Marshall d/b/a Mike’s Sportsman Saloon, Nancy M Lindberg d/b/a The Windsor, Enchanted Inn Corp. d/b/a Enchanted Inn, Tommel, Inc. d/b/a Backwoods Resort, Eagle Horn LLC. d/b/a Buck N Bass, and PJ’s Cabin Store Inc. Operator Licenses: 1 Year Renewal License for: Kevin A. Murphy, Douglas Fahrney, Stephen John Anderson and Evonne M. Becker 2 Year Renewal License for: Scott T Ruhman, Connie, Richards, Nancy Gohde, Kathleen Miner, Paul Mueller, Colleen Ruhman, Rose Skinner, Robert Tuttle, Amanda vanDoorn and James Wiechert, and David Basacker. 1 Year New License for: Delores Thormodsgard and Robert Hlousek 2 Year New License for: Larry Bergman Issues Timeline Update All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk by the Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting. The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion. Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer Dated this 20th day of June, 2011 Voucher’s Approval Motion (McGee/Porter) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report
Motion (Meinke/Webb) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried. Clerk Correspondence Brustad said she had been in contact with Jim Baaken of Ayres and Associates regarding the boat landing grants. He will be here at the next Board Meeting in July to speak. There is a possibility of receiving another grant which would potentially pay for the work 100%, but the work could not be done then until next year. He will explain further at the next board meeting. Per the discussion in closed session the board wished to make a motion: Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve a raise to $40,000.00 per year effective July 1st for the Town Roads Foreman. Roll call vote taken and all responded yes. Motion carried. Set Open Book and Board of Review date The Assessor, Charlotte Johnson, said any day in August would be fine. Open book will be the 13th of August, a Saturday, from Noon until 2:00PM or whenever everyone has been taken care of. Board of Review will be that Monday, the 15th of July, from 5:00PM until 7:00PM. Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda Phil Halper spoke on not wanting the Board to discontinue Cranberry Lake road. No one else wished to speak. Open proposals for Assessment Services for 2012 with option for a 3 year maintenance contract Brustad said she had published the ad for assessment services and one ad that went out incorrectly asked for a bid for assessment services with an option for a 3 year revaluation contract. She hoped all who did bid on the project were aware of that and what the board wanted was an option for a 3 year maintenance contract. If anyone bid for a revaluation, the board may have to have everyone re-bid. She received 4 proposals: Associated Appraisal Service submitted a bid for $12,000.00 for 2012, $12,050.00 for 2013 and $12,100.00 for 2014, on a maintenance contract. There was an option to post the assessments online for an additional amount Pine Creek Appraisal Services a/k/a Charlotte Johnson had submitted a bid for $6,000.00 for the 2012 year only Michael Schnautz submitted a bid for 2012, 2013, and 2014 for a total of $50,700.00 or $16,900.00 per year. Jeremy Kurtzweil submitted a bid for 2-12-2-14 for $20,100/year. Chair Lu Peet read a letter from a resident on the problems she has encountered with the present Assessor. Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve Associated Appraisal Services bid for $12,000.00 for 2012, $12,050.00 for 2013, and $12,100.00 for 2014. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried. Department Head Reports: Highway The town hall water system upgrade is complete with the elimination of the well pit. The new pressure tank and distribution valving is in the mechanical room. A new water line was also installed from the well all the way to the new pressure tank. The excavation revealed that the sewer line had been leaking for some time so that was replaced with a new insulated pipe that can be driven over year round. This will give us the option of plowing behind the building during winter. The excavation also revealed that the power to the Quonset hut was run improperly. During the upgrade we discovered a break in the line that had been bleeding power directly into the ground. I would like to blacktop the parking lot on the west side of the town hall to a width of 52 feet. This will give us diagonal parking on both sides of the parking lot with one way traffic routed behind the building. The only other obstacle is the water line to the town garage which I would like to eliminate and plumb water over from the fire hall. Our most recent fire inspection clarified the lighting requirements for the entrances to the town hall. There will soon be two high pressure sodium lights on the west side of the building illuminating the handicap ramp along with one on the main entrance. These will be on from dusk to dawn. Also the exit lights for these entrances will be replaced with battery backup units with lights that will illuminate inside and outside the building so people can safely exit during a power interruption. The exit lights near the bathrooms will be eliminated. The new playground equipment is complete. I will be having Danny Duval grind ten stumps in the park in the near future. We were approved for 50% grant of a $13,000 culvert replacement through the county bridge aid on Mulligan Creek road. The county will be handling all DNR contacts and permits, and they will be doing the installation. I also discussed crushing gravel for the northern road system in the Ruth Lake pit with the Bayfield County highway commissioner. He was open to the idea, but it will have to be placed on their next agenda. We might be able to do something by next year. 43 truckloads of 2 inch minus gravel were placed on Halfway Road from North Church road to the west to firm up the hill the logging trucks couldn’t climb. This concludes the county forestry grant from 2010 for $9,165. The reconstruction of the northern roads has begun. One mile of Moore road is complete and two miles of West Church are should be done before long. Halfway road from North Church to the west will be our next priority. We did considerably more work on Eightmile Lake Road including major ditching with water run offs by Earl Gregorie’s place. Hopefully this will eliminate some of our problems there. The turnaround construction has also started. Smith Lake road is completed and we will be moving to James road next. The boat landing projects at Island Lake and Robinson Lake are waiting for permits. I have been researching a new backhoe to replace the John Deere loader in the near future. I will be traveling some during the next couple of months so I can operate the different models for myself. The Gordon Correctional facility has finally responded to my requests and will start performing tree removal on Tars Pond road next week. Dave Schiess has requested vacation for the week of August 8th. I will be meeting with land owners on South Call O Wild over the holiday about discontinuing their road. I have also been working with the landowners on North Lyndale Bay road. As the board knows, I have sent letters to landowners on Cranberry Lake Road and Smart Road. I have had no response from anyone on Smart Road and no requests for any meetings from Cranberry Lake Road, so I would like to ask for resolutions to discontinue Smart Road and the last segment of Cranberry Lake Road to be placed on the July agenda. Approve Resolution to discontinue Augustine Road RESOLUTION R 11-05 TO INITIATE PROCESS FOR DISCONTINUING AUGUSTINE ROAD The Town Board of the Town of Barnes, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting, and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders as follows: The process under chapter 82, Wis. Stats to discontinue a highway in the town described as follows is hereby initiated: .20 miles of sand road lying in the NW 1/4 of the SW ¼ of Section 21, Township 44 North, Range 9 West and Government Lot 1, Section 20, Township 44 North, Range 9 West in Bayfield County Wisconsin. A scale map of the land that will be affected by this application is attached. Adopted this 21ST Day of June, 2011. __________________________ _________________________ Lu Peet, Chairman Jack Meinke, Supervisor __________________________ _________________________ Christine Webb, Supervisor Donna Porter, Supervisor __________________________ Mitch McGee, Supervisor _________________________________ Attest: Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer Motion (Webb/McGee) to pass the Resolution to initiate the process to discontinue Augustine Road. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried. Approve Resolution to discontinue Allison Road RESOLUTION R 11-06 TO INITIATE PROCESS FOR DISCONTINUING ALLISON ROAD The Town Board of the Town of Barnes, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting, and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders as follows: The process under chapter 82, Wis. Stats to discontinue a highway in the town described as follows is hereby initiated: .20 miles of sand road lying in the SE1/4 of the SE quarter of Section 18, Township 44 North, Range 9 West in Bayfield County Wisconsin. A scale map of the land that will be affected by this application is attached. Adopted this 21ST Day of June, 2011. __________________________ _________________________ Lu Peet, Chairman Jack Meinke, Supervisor __________________________ _________________________ Christine Webb, Supervisor Donna Porter, Supervisor __________________________ Mitch McGee, Supervisor _________________________________ Attest: Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the Resolution to initiate the process to discontinue Allison Road. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried. The Public Hearing for Augustine and Allison Roads will be held on August 16, 2011 at 6:00PM Approve issuance of Highway Orders to Discontinue Metcalf and Carlstrom Roads Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the issuance of the Metcalf Road Highway Order. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the issuance of the Carlstrom Road Highway Order. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried. Acceptance of Conservation Club’s gift to the town of their building This was given to the town at the last meeting during the Public Comment Session. Motion (Webb/Porter) to accept the Conservation Club’s donation of their building to the town and to send them a thank you note. Greg Martin asked that the town also maintain the “Norma J. Stone” sign as well. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried. Approval to amend the budget to add $9,385.00 received for grant to gravel Halfway road, $4,825.00 grant received by the DNR for tree removal on Eight Mile lake road and to amend the road outlay expense budget for the same amounts. Motion (Webb/Meinke) to amend the budget to add revenues of $9,165.00 and $4,825.00 for grant monies received and amend the capital outlay expenses by adding $9,385.00 and $4,825.00. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried. Cemetery Dave Schiess reported there have been problems with the new fence again, not sure if it is vandals or high winds, but he thinks it is the wind. Donna Porter said the rails can’t be screwed down or it will void the warranty. They have a lifetime replacement warranty. Dave has some cremation burials coming up. The lawn mowing person suggested planting the hill below the fence with ground cover plants, Donna has been in contact with the plant guy and it sounds like it will be a much bigger job than suggested, so most likely it will not happen. The Cemetery committee will get together soon to discuss. Dave thinks if they disc it and plant grass after putting better dirt in there it would grow better. Fire and Ambulance Department Since the last Town board meeting the ambulance has had 8 calls since the last meeting. 1 - Boating accident treated patient at scene no transport 1 – ATV accident Gold cross Intercept and Life Link 111 at Minesung Acres 1 – Transported to ST. Mary’s 3 – Transport to Hayward 1 – Iron River contacted for Mutual Aid 1 - Transported to St. Lukes I have driver training scheduled for all EMT’s and personnel who will be Driving the Ambulance this weekend. Normally this type of training is 16 hours which 4 is class room. This training will only be 6 hours long because the driving portion of it will be conducted in a driving simulator so it is only two hours long on Saturday and so employees will only need to be there for two hours on Saturday. I invite any of the Town Board members to show up on Saturday and observe the simulator portion of this class and is excellent training for people who will be driving with no wear and tear on our rig. I was hoping to be at the meeting but I am unable to because of family commitment. The Fire and Ambulance Department as a fund Raiser will be selling shirts with the Shoulder Patch insignia on it. There will only be 200 of these shirts ever made and are on display in the Clerk’s office for purchase or talk to your neighbor Fire Department member or Ambulance Member to purchase, the cost is $18.00. Fourth of July festivities are moving forward I was notified today through Colin that the Green Bay Packers have approved a Packer item hoping (signed football as asked) for our ticket sale raffle to have as an additional fund raiser. The Fire Department has responded to one mutual aid call to the Gordon Fire Department for a Kitchen Fire. On July 7th the Fire Department will be conducting Fire Pumper relay operation training at the Robinson Lake Boat Landing. The purpose of this is for those places that we may only get one truck into we would then pump water to that truck through a large diameter hose. This was a goal of mine for some time which is why over the past several years we have been purchasing this hose and we now can complete this type of operation with the assistance of Bob Lang who is very familiar and a wealth of knowledge in pumping operations. I am sure the wet weather has had something to do with it but also in part to education over the last several years and the assistance of our residents and property owners within the Town of Barnes we have had no Wildland Fires this year. Thank you to everyone for doing their part. Approve Resolution of Intent to Participate in the development of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan RESOLUTION R 11-07 A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNITY WILDFIRE PROTECTION PLAN WHEREAS, the town of Barnes recognizes the importance of enhancing its ability to mitigate the potentially devastating impacts of wildfire as well as the importance of reducing the human suffering, property damage, interruption of public services and economic losses caused by wildfire; and WHEREAS, wildfire poses a particular, significant, and ongoing threat to the Town of Barnes; and WHEREAS , community resiliency to wildfire depends on the preparedness levels of all stakeholders in the community – individuals, families, homeowner associations, community organizations, non-profits, businesses and government; and WHEREAS, by participating in the development of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan, the Town of Barnes has an opportunity to influence where and how monies are spent on hazardous fuels reduction and can compete competitively for public funding to implement hazardous fuels reduction projects within the Town of Barnes. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Town of Barnes hereby approves participating in the development of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan and agrees to designate at least one community representative to serve on the Community Wildfire Protection Plan Steering Committee. Dated this 21st Day of June, 2011 Presented by: ______________________________ Seconded by: ______________________________ __________________________ _________________________ Lu Peet, Chairman Jack Meinke, Supervisor __________________________ _________________________ Christine Webb, Supervisor Donna Porter, Supervisor __________________________ Mitch McGee, Supervisor _________________________________ Attest: Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve Resolution # R-11-07. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried. Constable ( 5 ) Alarms : From sheriff / private companies.........( 2 ) animal complaints : red oak road area.........( 2 ) Bear complaints........( 6 ) ATV calls..........( 1 ) damage to property complaint's : Lake road , damage to mail box's.........( 1 ) assist stranded boater : On Middle..........( 1 ) Deer hit : Hwy 27 @ 43 road.......End report........ Committee Reports Eurasian Water Milfoil committee Ingemar Ekstrom reported someone finding milfoil on Tomahawk lake. They have had divers there to report just how much. It looks like it is mostly near the boat landing. Also Sandbar looks like the milfoil was severely suppressed from the treatment. Parks Committee Approval of request for $60.00 to hold a dedication ceremony on July 4th for the new park equipment The dedication will be at 10:30AM, before the parade starts. Susan Pagnucci will purchase cookies and they will have coffee there also. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the request for $60.00 for the dedication and ribbon cutting for the new park equipment. Roll call vote taken and all responded yes. Motion carried. Cell Tower Communications Committee No report was given Land Use Planning Commission Dave Pease reported the commission looked at 2 requests: Melin request to use an existing mobile home on the property for storage only. This complies with the Land Use Plan. The second is a request by John Traynor to build a residence which is zoned Forestry 1. This again is in harmony with the Land Use Plan, he has extensive acreage. Regarding the cell tower committee’s findings, no written report has been received, therefore they haven’t addressed the amendment yet. Zoning: 3) Special Use Permit Application by John & Julie Melin to use an existing mobile home on their property for storage only at 6595 Hall Road Motion ( Porter/McGee) to approve the request to use an existing mobile home on his property for storage. Motion carried. 4) Class A Special Use request by John Traynor to build a residence on his property at 4080 E Robinson Lake Road that is zoned Forestry 1 Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the request to build a residence on his property that is zoned Forestry 1. Motion carried. Liquor License Renewals: Class A Combo License for: Jim’s Bait LLC Brustad said she received a letter from the Department of Revenue and asked not to issue a license until some items have been satisfied. To date this hasn’t been done, so the Board may want to approve the license if all requirements have been met by the state department of revenue. Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the License once all requirements have been met and all taxes are paid. Motion carried. Class B Combo License for: RC’s Decoy Inn, Kendall P. Graese d/b/a Northwood’s Tap, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post Inc., Downtown Barnes, Inc. d/b/a Cedar Lodge Steakhouse & Grille, Traut’s Resort, LLC, Doorn’s Inn Inc., Cleo M. Marshall d/b/a Mike’s Sportsman Saloon, Nancy M Lindberg d/b/a The Windsor, Enchanted Inn Corp. d/b/a Enchanted Inn, Tommel, Inc. d/b/a Backwoods Resort, Eagle Horn LLC. d/b/a Buck N Bass, and PJ’s Cabin Store Inc. Brustad said all are good to go, a few have taxes yet to be paid, but they are aware the taxes have to be paid before the license is issued. On Ken Graese she received a letter from the Department of Revenue on him also, and he will have to get those issues taken care of. When talking with the Department of Revenue guy she realized Ken had requested a renewal license in the wrong name. The application was in the name of Kendall P Graese, and K & C Bar and Grill LLC. The seller’s permit is issued to Graese’s Bar and Grill LLC. Since she published the name on his application, he will have to come back in and re-do his application, then she will have to publish the request in the paper. He won’t be able to be open until after 15 days once it is published. She recommended tabling his request and then meeting after she gets the application in the right name from him. Motion (Peet/McGee) to approve all license renewals but Kendall P Graese d/b/a Northwoods Tap. Motion carried. Motion ( Porter/McGee) to table Ken Graese’s license renewal application until he has submitted a new renewal application and the Department of Revenue issues get taken care of. Motion carried. Operator Licenses: 1 Year Renewal License for: Kevin A. Murphy, Douglas Fahrney, Stephen John Anderson and Evonne M. Becker Brustad said all have paid their fees, all background checks were ok. Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the above named renewal license applications. Motion carried. 2 Year Renewal License for: Scott T Ruhman, Connie, Richards, Nancy Gohde, Kathleen Miner, Paul Mueller, Colleen Ruhman, Rose Skinner, Robert Tuttle, Amanda vanDoorn and James Wiechert, and David Basacker. Brustad reported all background checks were ok, except on Jim Wiechert’s application he didn’t mention an arrest. This was nothing to deny the license for him, but he should re-do his application. Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the license applications for all the above, but Jim Wiechert will need to come in and re-do his application before the license is issued for him. Motion carried. 1 Year New License for: Delores Thormodsgard and Robert Hlousek Both background checks were ok, both have had their beverage course. Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the applications for a 1 year new license. Motion carried. 2 Year New License for: Larry Bergman Background check was ok, and Larry has done his server course. Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the 2 year new license for Larry Bergman. Motion carried. Issues Timeline Update Brustad said the application deadline for the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer position is up on the 30th of June. She asked the Board when they would want to meet to go over the applications. The Board decided to meet on July 11th at 5:00PM. Town Owned Land, Town Hall Maintenance, and Town Policy are a work in progress Boat Landings – Jim Baaken will be here in July to discuss potential 100% grant available Town Roads – Set public hearing in August for Allison and Augustine roads Motion ( Webb/Porter) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of June 21, 2011. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM. Respectfully Submitted Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer Dated this 8th day of July, 2011 |