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Town Board Meeting Minutes
2011 Town Board Meeting Minutes
> Regular Town Board Meeting May 17, 2011
Regular Town Board Meeting May 17, 2011
MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF BARNES May 17, 2011 REGULAR BOARD MEETING Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. A Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum and verification of public notice was asked of Clerk-Treasurer Brustad by Peet. All board members were present. Peet asked for a motion to approve the May Agenda, approve the minutes of the last Regular Board Meeting and a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the agenda, the minutes of the last Regular Town Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes. Motion carried. The agenda is as follows: NOTICE TOWN OF BARNES REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 17, 2011 at 6:30PM AGENDA Call the Regular Board Meeting to order Pledge Allegiance to the Flag Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice Motion to approve the May Agenda, approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and motion to dispense with reading of the minutes. Voucher’s Approval Treasurer’s Report Clerk Correspondence Discussion and possible action on posting for Clerk-Treasurer position and to set an hourly wage to post for the initial part-time position as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda Department Head Reports: Highway Discussion and action on closing of Outlet Bay Bridge Action on resolution for discontinuance of Metcalf and Carlstrom Roads Discussion and possible approval for outside lawn mowing at the Town Park and cemetery Cemetery Fire and Ambulance Department Approval of applications for James Krook and Gordon Lund for the ambulance department Constable Committee Reports Land Use Planning Commission Zoning: 1) Conditional Use permit request for shoreland grading for access and driveways for 3 building sites on property owned by Earl Gregoire on Eightmile Lake Road Approval of Gene Ratzel Board of Review alternate for 2 year term from May, 2011 through April, 2013 Operator Licenses – 2 year new applications for Terriann Ward, Yvonne Basacker and Steven Hunter Operator License Renewal – 2 year application for James Weichert Issues Timeline Update All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk by the Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting. The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion. Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer Dated this 13th day of May, 2011 Voucher’s Approval Motion (McGee/Porter) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – Brustad read the Treasurer’s report:
Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried. Clerk Correspondence Brustad received a letter from the Bayfield County Clerk regarding the county redistricting plan. The Town of Barnes does not have to adopt a Resolution for the change as there were no changes for the town. The recount has been completed in Bayfield County. There was a net gain of 6 votes for Kloppenberg and a net gain for Prosser of 1 vote. There was one vote not counted in Barnes due to the M100 not picking up the vote because the oval was not colored in dark enough. Brustad stated she was very proud of the group of gals who are election workers; they are doing an excellent job. Brustad received a letter from the Northwest Regional Planning Commission regarding the Town of Lenroot’s in Sawyer County Comprehensive Plan. A copy of the CD was sent with the plan and she will have it in her office in case anyone wants to review it. Discussion and possible action on posting for Clerk-Treasurer position and to set an hourly wage to post for the initial part-time position as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer There was discussion as to when the position should be filled. It was decided the new person will work part-time as a deputy clerk-treasurer beginning August 1st, approximately 20-30 hours per week. The best days to work would be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. The board did not want to post a pay range in the paper for the part-time deputy y clerk. The starting range for the full-time Clerk-Treasurer position should be from $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 per year. Brustad will get the ad in for two weeks and applications are to be received by the June 21st Board meeting if that allows for enough time. Motion (Meinke/Porter) to publish an ad for two weeks on the Clerk-Treasurer position. Motion carried. Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda Steve Hunter spoke on his sister’s request for an operator’s license. He wanted to make sure the Board was aware of the law and make sure the law has been interpreted correctly. Phil Halper spoke regarding the possible discontinuance of Cranberry Lake Road. He felt the board should do a cost study for widening the road as he felt that would be too costly to do. There were many other alternatives, possibly even sub-contracting out for maintenance of the road. He thought the town didn’t spend much to maintain it now. Greg Martin spoke regarding the Conservation Club’s building. They met last evening and voted to transfer ownership entirely to the Town of Barnes with the stipulation they will remain the sole tenant of the building until they cease to exist. This will be put on the agenda for June to accept the building. Jeff Fullington spoke against the closing of Outlet Bay Bridge Department Head Reports: Highway Presently we are assembling the new playground equipment. We hope to pour concrete on Thursday, and have the sand in place and ready to use by the end of next week. A good portion of the last month was spent on the northern roads keeping them passable for loggers. We also expended considerable effort to improve a couple of major problem areas. Last year the county awarded the Town of Barnes a grant for $9,165 for graveling a portion of Halfway Road. We spent two days preparing this road with the rented D6N Dozer and our own trucks, loaders, and graders. We also spent 4 days taking care of a ravine on Webster Road. The county cleared 3 acres of trees and we moved approximately 7,000 yards of material to fill it in. The final major project with the rented dozer was Eightmile Lake Road. We removed trees to clear in excess of 66 feet, filled in low spots, and shaped the banks on 4 tenths of a mile. This project was eligible for funding from the CWPP program. I’m confident we will receive $4,900 for this project and possibly more. The town was awarded $6,893 by Bayfield County from the Town Roads Improvement Aids program. This money will be used to truck gravel on 43 Road. On Saturday, April 30th, the town board and I toured some of the roads in Town. My goal for the day was to demonstrate the need to open up some of the narrower roads. I explained the need for minimum standards and clearances and showed them some of the more immediate problems facing the road crew. I have made some inquires about Federal Bridge aids. River Road is not eligible. When the time comes to upgrade that bridge, the town may apply for County aid. It could be eligible for up to 50% reimbursement. I have applied for County aid for the Mulligan Creek culverts. There are two 36 inch culverts there now. One was replaced last summer and now the second one has failed. Chances are the County will do the installation which will include resetting the other culvert. We will probably upgrade the second culvert to a 48 inch. I am planning on hand dredging Robinson Lake boat landing. This will be accomplished with an old “horse scoop” and no equipment will enter the water. This only requires a $50 General Permit from the DNR. Island Lake boat landing can be upgraded with concrete planks with just a $50 General permit and $2, 500 worth of planks. We hope to start upgrading some road turn arounds during the next month. We will be focusing on the south and east side of town to begin. I met with Mr. Freitag who gave permission to exceed our right of way on his property on Lyndale Bay Road. We have to upgrade a driveway culvert on Martin road which isn’t handling the water flow after the road was blacktopped. I have also been seeking quotes to crack seal our new blacktop roads. Discussion and action on closing of Outlet Bay Bridge Bob Lang explained the bridge abutments are failing, and will soon need to be completely replaced or the bridge will be completely unusable. We have been talking about this bridge for a long time. The bridge inspections have not been good for a number of years. Motion (Porter/McGee) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Jeff Fullington asked who inspected the bridge. Lang said the county does the inspections. Motion (Porter/McGee) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Motion (Webb/Porter) to proceed with the closing of Outlet Bay Bridge after Labor Day weekend and to direct Bob Lang to pursue with the removal of the bridge after that with restoration to its natural state. Action on resolution for discontinuance of Metcalf and Carlstrom Roads Motion (Porter/Meinke) to adopt the Resolution # R-11-03 to discontinue Metcalf Road. Roll call vote taken and all responded yes. Motion carried. Resolution R-11-03 is as follows: RESOLUTION R-11-03 TO INITIATE PROCESS FOR DISCONTINUING METCALF ROAD The Town Board of the Town of Barnes, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting, and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders as follows: The process under chapter 82, Wis. Stats to discontinue a highway in the town described as follows is hereby initiated: of Section 9, Township 44 North, Range 9 West in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. A scale map of the land that will be affected by this application is attached. Adopted this 17TH Day of May, 2011. __________________________ ________________________ Lu Peet, Chairman Jack Meinke, Supervisor __________________________ _________________________ Christine Webb, Supervisor Donna Porter, Supervisor __________________________ Mitch McGee, Supervisor _________________________________ Attest: Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer Motion (Webb/Meinke) to initiate the process to discontinue Carlstrom Roads on Resolution # R-11-04. Motion carried with roll call vote taken and all responding yes. Resolution R-11-04 is as follows: RESOLUTION R 11-04 TO INITIATE PROCESS FOR DISCONTINUING CARLSTROM ROAD The Town Board of the Town of Barnes, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting, and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders as follows: The process under chapter 82, Wis. Stats to discontinue a highway in the town described as follows is hereby initiated: .02 miles of sand road lying in the NE1/4 of Section 16, Township 44 North, Range 9 West in Bayfield County Wisconsin. A scale map of the land that will be affected by this application is attached. Adopted this 17th Day of May, 2011. __________________________ _________________________ Lu Peet, Chairman Jack Meinke, Supervisor __________________________ _________________________ Christine Webb, Supervisor Donna Porter, Supervisor __________________________ Mitch McGee, Supervisor _________________________________ Attest: Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer The Public Hearing on these two roads will be at 6:00PM on the 21st of June before the Regular Town Board meeting. Discussion and possible approval for outside lawn mowing at the town park and cemetery Bob Lang had called a few people to give the town proposals for lawn mowing. We received two back, one from J & K Landscaping out of Cable for $260.00 for the park, and $95.00 for the Cemetery with a weed trim or $70.00 without. Taz Lawn mowing came in at $275.00 for the park and $175.00 for the Cemetery. Motion (Webb/Porter) to accept the proposal for J & K Lawns Plus. A roll call vote was taken and all responded yes. Motion carried. Cemetery Dave Schiess was not present to give a report. Donna Porter said Dave Christensen is working on the sign at the Cemetery and will be done soon. Fire and Ambulance Department The report given is for two months as Tom was not at the last meeting. The ambulance had 14 calls, driver training is scheduled for all EMT’s and personnel who will be driving the ambulance. It is a driving simulator and is excellent training. He has two members to be approved for the department. The Fire department has responded to two motor vehicle accidents, on tree down on a house and two trees down on power lines. There has been no wildfire yet which is fantastic and unheard of this time of year. Both departments took part in a mock car accident at the Drummond school hosted by “Students against destructive decisions”. The main topic was texting and driving or distracted driving. This was a huge success and could not have been done without all the volunteers who showed up to help. Mason, Grandview, Namekagon, Barnes and Cable Fire Departments were present along with Great Divide and Barnes ambulance departments, Life Link helicopter and the Bayfield County Sheriff’s department. Approval of applications for James Krook and Gordon Lund for the ambulance department Motion (Webb/Porter) to the two applications for the Ambulance Department. The EMT classes won’t be available until this fall. Motion carried. Constable 4 alarms for the Sheriff’s department and private alarm companies. 2 missing boats on the middle, broke loose from their docks during the wind storm. 1 animal complaint near Red Oak Drive, 1 welfare check on a senior citizen, 1 assist motorist on highway 27 near 43 road, 1 deer hot on highway 27. Committee Reports Ingemar Ekstrom reported on the Eurasian Water Milfoil committee actions, the appreciation dinner was a success, the group has started monitoring the landings. The property owners had questioned what the Town is doing with excess donations toward the program. Gus and Elaine got information for them which really showed the Town was still in the red by around $4500.00. In the future, Elaine said she could segregate the funds so they would be applied directly to the program and wouldn’t just go back into the general fund at year end if the donations were in excess of the expenses. Land Use Planning Commission Dave reported one request was received for a Shoreland Grading permit for three building sites on property owned by Earl Gregoire on Eight Mile Lake. This request was in complete harmony with the Land Use Plan, and had been approved by the Zoning department, so it was recommended for approval by the Board. Zoning: 1) Conditional Use permit request for shoreland grading for access and driveways for 3 building sites on property owned by Earl Gregoire on Eightmile Lake Road Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the Conditional Use request for a shoreland grading permit for access and driveways for r2 building sites on property owned by Earl Gregoire on Eightmile Lake. Motion carried. Approval of Gene Ratzel Board of Review alternate for 2 year term from May, 2011 through April, 2013 Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the appointment of Gene Ratzel for a two year term as a Board of Review Alternate from May, 2011 through April, 2013. Motion carried. Operator Licenses – 2 year new applications for Terriann Ward, Yvonne Basacker and Steven Hunter Brustad referred to the letter from the attorney, regarding the application for Terriann Ward. In the letter it stated the recommendation would be to deny the application based on the findings of the background check. Chris Webb stated she wished to abstain from the vote because of her relationship with the owner of the bar, but wanted to speak in favor of approving the application, because of the applicant’s standing in the community and the bar owner’s standing also in the community. There was other discussion as to the ability to deny or approve based on the applicants felony conviction. Brustad referred to the attorney’s letter which clearly said the Board must deny the application. Motion (McGee/Peet ) to table the Ward application for one month to obtain further information. Roll call taken with Webb abstaining, Meinke-no, McGee-yes, Porter-no, and Peet-no. Motion failed. Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the Ward application for a one year license only instead of a two year license. Roll call vote taken: Webb-abstain, McGee-no, Porter-yes, Peet-yes, Meinke-yes. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote. Motion (Meinke/Webb) to approve the 2 year license application for Yvonne Basacker. Brustad said the fee had been paid, Yvonne had completed her beverage server course and background check with the DOJ revealed a felony conviction not related to serving alcohol. The CCAP free website revealed only a misdemeanor conviction for that same charge. Motion carried. Motion ( Porter/Meinke) to approve the application for Steve Hunter when he completes his beverage server course. Brustad said the fee was paid, and she issued him a provisional license for 60 days until he completes the course. Background check revealed a misdemeanor charge years ago not related to serving alcohol. Motion carried. Operator License Renewal – 2 year application for James Weichert Brustad said she had mentioned many times before she thought they should do background checks on all renewals as well as the new applications. This would be a good time to do it with all the renewals coming in. The board all agreed, and wanted to wait with this renewal until next month so Brustad could do a background check on him also. Motion (Porter/McGee ) to table this request until June to allow time to do a background check. Motion carried. Issues Timeline Update Town owned land: Work in progress Town Hall Maintenance: The well pump is due to be moved next month Boat Landings: Work in progress Town Roads: Resolution approved for Carlstrom and Metcalf roads, public hearing June 21st at 6:00PM Town Policy: Work in progress Motion (Webb/Meinke) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of May 17, 2011. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:30PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer Dated this 10th day of June, 2011