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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2011 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > EWM Minutes - 2011 - February 21

EWM Minutes - 2011 - February 21


EWM Committee meeting
Monday, February 21, 2011 6:30 p.m.
Barnes Town Hall
Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order and welcomed Jeremy Bates, the new Bayfield AIS coordinator.
Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Dave Pease, Sally Pease, Jeremy Bates, Glena Mattila, Mitch McGee, Gerald Gustafson (Gus)
Absent: Pamela Toshner
1.      Minutes from the November Meeting
Ingemar reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. A motion to accept the minutes for the November 22 meeting was made by Lee Wiesner, seconded by Dave Pease; passed.
2.      Financial review of reimbursement from 2010 grant
Combining the work-in-kind donations and the grant money, there was no cost to Town of Barnes for the Clean Boats-Clean Waters program in 2010. There is still $10,662.43 in grant money which can be used until December 31, 2011.
3.      March/April process for the 2011 season
Sally Pease will be returning as the Coordinator. It appears that the three full time monitors that were on staff last summer are returning. Dave Pease is available to be an alternate this summer. If additional alternates are needed we have a pool of people from which we can draw. We will not be advertising the positions for the upcoming year. Pay scale will be the same as last year.
4.      Coordinators’ (CBCW) job description for 2011
Dave, Mitch and Sally will work together to update the Coordinator’s job description. It will be ready to review at the next meeting.
5.      Volunteer Appreciation for 2011
The date for the volunteer appreciation lunch will be May 6th. Barb will take care of the details. This year we will include the shoreline monitors in the list of invitees. We will also have a general invitation in the April and May “Barnes Blogs.”
6.      2011 plant management plan for Sand Bar Lake
Mitch is working on finding a company to do the treatment of the lake.
Ingemar will check with Pamela to remind her to follow up with Frank Koshere to determine how we will get the needed permits, and what public and landowner notification procedures need to be followed. These items need to be taken care of 30 days prior to the treatment date.
Ingemar will also remind Pamela to check with John Skogerboe on the plan for herbicide residual monitoring on Sand Bar Lakes in summer of 2011. Gerald Gustufson and Glenda Mattila will be available to assist John with the water chemistry.
7.      2011 meeting with Sand Bar/Tomahawk Lake property owners
At the April meeting we will discuss the meeting we will have with the Sand Bar/Tomahawk Lake property owners in June.
8.      Shoreline Monitoring
Lee Wiesner discussed the possibility of trying to find a shoreline monitor for as many lakes as possible.
9.      Other Business
·         Ingemar distributed the volunteer labor worksheets and reminded everyone to start filling them in.
·         Ingemar distributed the map of the aquatic plant life survey on Sand Bar Lake done in July 2010.
·         Jeremy asked about EWM monitor training. Sally indicated she trains new volunteers. Jeremy indicated there will be “Train the Trainer” sessions coming up in March. This might be something Sally could be interested in. Jeremy will also be doing some local training sessions also.
·         Jeremy indicated there will be a Lakes Round Table discussion at the great Lakes Visitor Center on April 2nd.
·         Jeremy has new boat landing signs. We had received some from Stefania last year but we asked him to bring more to the April meeting.
10. Next Meeting April 18, 2011, 6:30 P.M. Barnes Town Hall
Motion to adjourn: Mitch McGee; seconded by Dave Pease; passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

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