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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2010 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > September 20, 2010 Meeting

September 20, 2010 Meeting


EWM Committee meeting
Monday, September 20, 2010 @ 6:30 p.m.
Introduction: In attendance; Gus, Ingemar, Sally, Stefania, Lee, Mitch and Glenda
Meeting was called to order by Ingemar
A. Lee presented minutes from August meeting
B. Gus accepted minutes as mentioned
C. Mitch seconded, accepted by all
CBCW Program 2010
A. Gus gave copies of the Barnes 2010 AIS Grant -
B. Hours: 397 - CBCW
269 - Minutes from meetings/luncheon
Total Volunteer Cost - $6,393.18
Total Expenses - $19,444.08
Additional hours to be given to Gus from Ingemar. Plus, 2 hrs for Lee as he did the minutes from the August Meeting and the preparing of minutes.
C. Further calculation to come from Elaine to Gus. Ingemar will check with Clarence Tollefson regarding shoreline monitoring. Sally to work on CW hours.
A. Sally did get more volunteers for CW and some confirmed to help next year. Some volunteers will talk with neighbors and friends to volunteer for next year.
B. Sally will write a thank you to volunteers in the next issue of the next issue of the Barnes Blog
C. Jill from the DNR was called to get after a fishing guide due to transportation of weeds and his attitude of hostility. There was a total of two citations written this year by the DNR.
D. Barb to Sally of about Fish Water Jelly Fish in Red Lake in Wascott Cty. She did check with DNR and this was something they were not aware of.
E. All three lake monitors are interested in continuing in 2011. Sally expressed an interest in continuing to be the Coordinator of Monitors.
The Musky Tourney (October 1, 2 & 3, 2010)
A. Upper Eau Claire Lakes is covered for monitoring according to Sally.
B. Middle and Lower Eau Claire Lakes still need monitors.
C. Stephania will check with NCTC students to help cover the Middle and Lower Lakes.
A. The purchase of a DO Meter was discussed at the town meeting. The Town of Barnes has agreed to purchase the DO Meter. Tim Burke will give us a 10% discount, original price of $1,550.00 will cost us approx. $1,404.00. The Do Meter will have 30 meters of cable.
B. Thank you to Mitch for his presentation to the Town Board.
Shoreline Monitoring Volunteer Slips
A. Thus far there were about 20 slips handed-in.
B. Hours have not yet been counted.
C. October 1st the drawing for a winner from slips that were handed in will be drawn. A total of 3 winners will be picked by a senior citizen at the Senior Lunch. Gift Certificates will be purchased from; Cedar Lounge, Barnes Trading Post, and Windsors.
2010 Research Wrap Up
A. Thank you to Gus and Glenda for their water chemistry testing.
Signs - Research at Park
A. Gus suggested to leave until spring. Then, they will be posted on Sand Bar Lake.
Lee on Lake shore stewardship workshop for the 7th grade students in Drummond
A. Stephania prepped students the Friday prior.
B. Lee presented - Water chemistry. John Kudlas presented - Aquatic Plants. Ingemar presented - EWM. Jerry Kaiser presented - Fish sticks on the Middle Eau Claire.
Additional volunteer Hours are to be given to Gus.
A. AIS Rapid Response worked. Purple Blue Strife was found between Cranberry Lake and Lower Lake.
B. Stefania will be leaving in December 2010. Her husband took a
job in Maine. She will be missed and welcome to join us anytime she is in the area.
Next meeting is currently scheduled for November 22nd.
Motion to adjourn -
made by Lee.
Seconded by Gus. All in favor
Minutes by: Glenda Mattila, submitted on October 9, 2010

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
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