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Regular Town Board Meeting March 15, 2011


March 15, 2011
Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. A Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum and verification of public notice was asked of Clerk-Treasurer Brustad by Peet. She then asked for a motion to approve the agenda for this evening, approve the minutes of the last regular town board meeting and the motion to dispense with the reading of those minutes.
Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the agenda, the minutes of the last Regular Town Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes. Motion carried.   The agenda is as follows:
March 15, 2011 at 6:30PM
Call the Regular Board Meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice
Motion to approve the March Agenda, approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Voucher’s Approval
Treasurer’s Report
Clerk Correspondence
Discussion and possible action regarding sale of property to Rodney & Linda Buss on South Shore Road
Discussion and possible action on business insurance renewal April 2011-2012
                Set Spring Clean-up Day for April 30th
                Discussion and possible action on employee handbook policy changes
Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda 
Department Head Reports:
                                Discussion on closing of Outlet Bay Bridge
Discussion and possible approval to end contract with Town of Drummond for maintenance of Wilderness Lake Road
Approve Resolution for support of Upper Lake Landing reconstruction and request for financial assistance from the Wisconsin Waterways Commission             
                Fire and Ambulance Department
                                Approval of Bob Lang as EMT                         
Committee Reports
                Appoint Committee members for Cell Tower Communications Committee
Land Use Planning Commission
Operator’s Licenses: 2 year new license for Steve Krivinchuk and Carole Peterson          
Issues Timeline Update
All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings
All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk
by the Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.
The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from
Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.
Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer
Elaine J. Brustad     Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer      Dated this 11th day of March, 2011
Voucher’s Approval
Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report

General Fund
Checking Balance from last meeting
Check #'s 25731-25821
Direct Tax Payments Check #s 382-383
Service Charge February
Interest Earned February
Money Market
Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting
Taxes Collected
Cks 1166-1172taxes
Allocate Taxes to other funds
Transf from Bldg Maint fund for expenditures paid
Interest earned February
YTD Interest $349.70
Service Charge February
Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds
Highway Dept. Sinking Fund
2011 levy $30,000.00
BES Sinking Fund
2011 Levy $20,000.00
Park Savings
Ski Trail Savings
Building Maintenance & Repair Fund
2011 Levy $50,000.00+ Dep 35,145.34
Transf to genl fund -31943.00
Bridges Maintenance Fund
2011 Levy $12,000.00
Waterways Maintenance Fund
2011 Levy $10,000.00
ACT 102 Fund
Total all Money Market Funds
Hayward Community Credit Union
Open new CD
18 Month CD
15 Month CD
18 month CD
18 month CD
YTD Interest $1,038.45
Total Hayward Community Credit Union

Brustad asked for approval to transfer $100,000.00 from the Money Market account to the Credit Union to set up a new CD. They had a 35 month special at 1.95%, which doesn’t sound like much but is far better than what it is getting now at Drummond. 
Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the transfer of $100000.00 to Hayward Credit Union to open up a new 35 month CD. Motion carried.
Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.
Clerk Correspondence
Brustad received 2 Notices to Cut both in Section 28, Township 43North and Range 9 West on property owned by Dan Cobb and Northwind Enterprise
Brustad read a note from the Assessor stating they will be here in Barnes the first week in May. They would like to schedule the Board of Review late in the summer this year as the 5-6-7-5M classes are out of compliance and she wants to check them and make necessary adjustments to get them in to compliance. Class 5 is swamp, 6 is forest, 5M is ag forest and 7 is ag building site. 
Brustad found the latest census figures online, and the total population had gone up to 769, with them noting only 397 housing unit occupied, which she felt was way low yet. There are 67 children under the age of 18 in Barnes, a total of 1564 housing units noted. 
She spoke a little of the impact the new budget proposed by Governor would have on us. What is known for sure is that Recycling grants will go away, as recycling will no longer be mandated by the state. Transportation aids will most likely be reduced, as well as shared revenues. Governor Walker is also proposing an increase in the first dollar credit for next year, plus extending County and Municipal levy limits for the next two years in order to protect property taxpayers. Supervisor Webb said that the town can still mandate recycling, and should continue to encourage people to recycle. 
Discussion and possible action regarding sale of property to Rodney & Linda Buss on South Shore Road
Brustad said after the title company searched the background of this parcel they feel it is not clear that the town does own this parcel. She spoke with the Town’s attorney, John Carlson, who suggested a quit claim deed to convey the property to the Buss’ and they will then have the burden of clearing any title defects if any. 
Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve preparing a Quit Claim deed to convey the property to the Buss’ for $1,000.00. There was discussion on whether to lower the price since they may have more attorney’s fees etc to clear the title. It was decided the sales price of $1,000.00 should remain.   Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried.
Discussion and possible action on business insurance renewal April 2011-2012
Mike Sherry from Holden Insurance was present to discuss the renewal amounts. Coverages have actually increased but the rates have decreased, except for the FirePac, which is mostly due to changes and updates in the equipment. The total amount of the renewal is $19,574.00 for the general package and $6,568.00 for the Fire and Ambulance package.
Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the proposal by Mike Sherry of Holden Insurance for a total of $26,142.00. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried.
                Set Spring Clean-up Day for April 30th
Peet said she wanted to designate this day as the actual day for the clean-up, with the transfer site having coffee on that day. Most organizations can do their clean-up whenever they want, and garbage bags left over with the Town’s name imprinted are available for anyone who needs either at the town hall or transfer site.
Discussion and possible action on employee handbook policy changes
Brustad said this was after discussion at the January meeting. There were 4 items to change; workweek changed from Sunday through Saturday to Monday through Sunday. Part-time employees work less than 32 hours per week, it was changed to annualized average of 32 hours per week. Holiday hours were not counted as hours worked when calculating overtime, now has been changed to Holiday hours are counted as hours worked. Under personal appearance a statement was in the manual not allowing shaved heads. This has been changed so it is now allowed.
Motion (McGee/Porter) to approve the four changes to the employee policy handbook effective 3.15.11.
Roll call vote taken and all responded yes. Motion carried.
Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda
Greg Martin spoke as a representative of the Conservation Club asking for permission to build a short roof structure over the door to the Conservation Building. The club will pay all costs and will obtain a permit if necessary. 
Motion (Meinke/Webb) to approve the request by the Conservation Club as outlined by Greg Martin. Motion carried.
Department Head Reports:
                28 seasonal weight limit signs went up Monday, March 14. I have had a couple of questions on the signs themselves. Page 98 of the 2009 edition of the MUTCD manual clearly states our signs are appropriate. Axle weights are NOT required. The Wisconsin Towns Association attorneys clarified that a local ordinance is NOT required. Our weight limits are legal under existing Wisconsin state statute.
I am working with loggers and the Bayfield County Forestry Dept to allow trucking out of County Forest on many of our northern sand roads. Dave spent today in the grader opening those roads.
The bid notice for the ceiling and light replacement in the town hall went out last week. I met with the first contractor today. Bids are due on March 31st. I’m hoping the board will schedule a meeting that evening so we can complete the project during the month of April. The existing curtain is not spec-ed to go back up unless the board directs otherwise.
Continental Western is requiring a vehicle policy. I will be working on that and a sign for the Skate Rink in the near future.
A meeting with Tom Westlund of Legend Architecture is schedule for March 17 (Thursday) to discuss the issues with the handicap access ramp
I would like to solicit bids for the lawn care of the town park and cemetery to allow more time for road work by the town crew.
I have applied for Bayfield County Town Road Aid to haul gravel on 43 Road.
The Dura-key fuel system was completely reprogrammed and the keys were re-issued.
The ski trail drag and snowmobile are stored for the season.
I will be purchasing a 441 Stihl chainsaw from Northland Lawn and Sport. We have started brushing and tree removal around town including the “shoe tree” on George Lake Road.
I have started working on road discontinuances and road turnarounds. I will be working with Elaine to get the paperwork started on a number of them.
The road crew will be attending a Road Maintenance workshop put on by the University of Wisconsin in Hayward on March 16th (tomorrow). They will also be attending a MSHA required training class on March 22nd.
                                Discussion on closing of Outlet Bay Bridge
Roads Foreman Bob Lang reported the inspections on this bridge have not been good, it would take well over $300,000.00 to replace the bridge. Since there is other good access for people it would make more sense to dismantle the bridge and put the area back to its natural state. The approach on the south end is also very dangerous. He spoke with the DNR and could possible get funding to remove the bridge. The DNR would do all the work in dismantling and would haul all the debris away. There is nothing else needed to formally close the bridge except by town board approval.  It will be put on the agenda next month for action.
Motion (Porter/Meinke) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried.
Paul Mueller said they would be affected the most by the closing as they are full time residents and they have no objections whatsoever. 
Motion (Porter/Meinke) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.
Discussion and possible approval to end contract with Town of Drummond for maintenance of Wilderness Lake Road
Bob Lang said it doesn’t make sense for us to maintain the road. The monies we get are minimal considering what needs to be spent to get the road up to par. He wanted to write a letter to the Town of Drummond to end the contract. They would snowplow if they wanted but the town of Drummond should be maintaining it. 
Motion (Meinke/McGee) to allow Bob to send a letter to the Town of Drummond to discontinue the maintenance of Wilderness Lake Road. Roll call vote taken and all responded yes. Motion carried.
Approve Resolution for support of Upper Lake Landing reconstruction and request for financial assistance from the Wisconsin Waterways Commission
This resolution is needed for obtaining a state grant on the Upper Boat landing. 
Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the Resolution # R-11-02 the Upper Eau Claire Landing. Motion carried. 
The Resolution in its entirety is as follows:
Resolution # R11-02
WHEREAS, The Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, hereby requests assistance for the purpose of developing recreational boating facilities: Town of Barnes Boat Landing on Upper Eau Claire Lake.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Barnes,in Bayfield County, has budgeted a sum sufficient to complete the project and;
HEREBY AUTHORIZES Lucille J. Peet, Town Chairperson, to act on behalf of the Town of Barnes to:
Submit an application to the Wisconsin Waterways Commission for Financial Assistance; Sign documents; and Take necessary action to undertake, direct and complete the approved project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Barnes will comply with State and Federal rules for the programs; may perform force account work; will maintain the completed project in an attractive, inviting and safe manner; will keep the facilities open to the public during reasonable hours consistent with the type of facility; and will obtain in writing from the Wisconsin Waterways Commission before any change is made in the use of the project site.
Adopted this 15th day of March, 2011, by the Town Board of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County.
________________________________                                     _________________________________
Lu Peet – Town Chairperson                               Christine Webb – Supervisor
________________________________                                     __________________________________
Jack Meinke – Supervisor                                     Donna Porter – Supervisor
Mitch McGee – Supervisor
Adopted: March 15, 2011
Posted: _____________
Attest: _______________________________________
                Elaine J. Brustad – Town Clerk-Treasurer
Dave Schiess reported there was 1 regular burial for Betty Weldon this past month. The usual person who digs the graves was not in town so he and Bob hand dug the site. They had 14 hours and 3 hours of loader time or roughly $600.00 to dig the site. He feels the price charged to the customer is too low, especially for a winter burial. They will look at that at their committee’s next meeting. 
                Fire and Ambulance Department
Since the last meeting we have had 6 ambulance runs
1- Hayward
1 - No transport patient deceased
2 -Mutual aid from Iron Riverto transport notenough 2 -- Gold Cross Intercept
1 - Great Divide Intercept
We have three persons interested in joining the Ambulance service so I am looking forward to that.
Town of Highland approved the contract for ambulance service. Town Chair person Bruce indicated that she felt the contract for the Town of highland was with the Town and me not the Town ofHighlandand the Town of Barnes. I explained to their Town Board that the Town Board places people in charge of Departments that they feel is qualified and that's the way they feel it should be done as I keep them informed on the operational plants.
No fire runs this month. Arch has installed the new furnace and seems to be running well. The Fire Wise plan meeting 03-21-11 in Drummond at 6:00 pm. Wildland Fire season is coming upon us again. It looks very well for dampness this year however with a couple of windy days and no rain could dry up quick for problems. This report is the summary of hours worked by EMT for the first quarter:
Call Schedule Summary Report for
Barnes Ambulance
January 1, 2011- April 1, 2011

Margaret Bossow
Irene Batt
Sherrie Craft
Brett Friermood
Robin Friermood
Donna Porter
John Prohaska
Tom Renz
Marcia Wellnitz
Total Hours

                                Approval of Bob Lang as EMT and Firefighter            
Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve Bob Land for the Ambulance and Fire department as EMT and Firefighter.  He will be mainly working during the day if needed.  Motion carried.  
Mike reported 2 alarms from private alarm companies, 1 assist motorist stranded on Highway 27, 1 deer hit, 1 animal complaint- horses loose on south shore road and Highway 27, 9 checks of homes for out of town residents, Escorted St Paddy’s parade on County Highway N, 1 suspicious person walking on Lake Road possibly intoxicated, found no-one.
Committee Reports
Mike Tremblay spoke for the Town Hall Maintenance Committee that he was transitioning the work of the committee slowly to Bob Lang. He felt the committee had done their job and it was time to maybe move on. 
Brustad said she and Mitch are working on getting the treatment set up for Sandbar Lake as soon as ice comes off this spring. 
Appoint Committee members for Cell Tower Communications Committee
Motion (Peet/McGee) to appoint Diane Rupnow, Melissa Driscoll and Mike Tremblay to the Cell Tower Communications Committee with Suzette Tremblay as recording secretary. Diane Rupnow is appointed as Chair. Motion carried.
Land Use Planning Commission
Dave Pease reported there was no meeting as no requests were submitted for review.
Operator’s Licenses: 2 year new license for Steve Krivinchuk and Carole Peterson
Brustad reported both had no criminal history, Carole previously held a license that expired in 2010, so we had her beverage server certificate on file, Steve submitted one with his application. 
Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the 2 year new license for Steve Krivinchuk and Carole Peterson. Motion carried.
Issues Timeline Update
Town Owned Land – work in progress
Town Hall Maintenance – bids to be opened 3-31 for ceiling, they are working on door and ramp problems
Re-Appointments – Brustad is up, will be on April Agenda with Diane Rupnow and Gene Ratzel for Land Use Commission up in April
Boat Landings – Boat landing will not be done this spring
Town Roads – add Outlet Bay bridge
Town Policy – need to work on Citizen’s request for Action policy
No new zoning items until July
Motion (Webb/Porter) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of March 15, 2011. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Dated this 28th day of March, 2011

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM & Wed. 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873
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