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Home > Town Roads & Right of Way Committee > Road Committee Meeting Minutes > 2010 Minutes > Recommendations to the Board December 16, 2010

Recommendations to the Board December 16, 2010


Town Roads and Right of Way Committee recommendations to the
Town Board of Barnes
December 16, 2010
RE: Non maintained roads
RE: 1 Citizens request for road issues: The Committee recommends to the Board that citizen requests for town road issues be initially reviewed in the first board meeting and if not enough information is available that the issue be tabled so the Board can acquire more data. This will allow all board members to be informed at the subsequent meeting. The information should include gathering input from the superintendant of highways, involved board members and the Town Roads Committee. In addition all citizen requests should be acted on in a reasonable time and the results communicated to the requester.
RE: 2 Town Road Plan: The Committee recommends that the board, with the input of the superintendant of highways, develop a two year road plan which details all town roads, their technical data and current plan for each road. A comment section for information such as: maintain road as is, plan for reconstruction, reason for not maintaining a road, recommend for discontinuance or establishing road priority be included in the plan.
RE: 3 Discontinuance of roads: The Committee recommends that the Board consider discontinuing the following roads based on: not in the interest of the general public, condition of existing road, serves only a single citizen, or landowner in agreement with discontinuance.
Allison Rd. .2 mi.                                                                     Kelsey Rd. last 150 ft past gate
Deer Grove Rd. .17 mi.                                                           Grassleys Rd
Stockpile Rd. .67 mi.                                                               Rifle Range Rd. last 100 yards
Hans Rd. (2) .06 mi                                                                Carlstrom Rd
Waltman Rd. last 700 ft- 900 ft.                                           Augustine Rd. Metcalf Rd.
RE: 4 Road Inspections: The Committee recommends that the board initiates a yearly road inspection review to become familiar with specific
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Town Roads and Right of Way Committee RE: Non maintained roads

Dick Webb
Mitch McGee Jerry Witt Greg Martin

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