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Home > 2010 Minutes > February 17, 2010 Minutes

February 17, 2010 Minutes


Town Hall Maintenance Committee
Meeting Minutes
The committee meeting was called to order at 9:00am
            The committee reviewed the work that was done to complete the foundation insulation project. We agreed that the project was completed and we closed out the project.
As a group we reviewed our list of Town Hall needs. We bundled similar work together into groupings. Then we set priority on the various groupings. The top priority was work that needed to be done between the hung ceiling and the roof. We decided to invite other contractors to the next meeting to get some ideas on how to fix the ventilation and insulation issues.
The second priority was the ramp to the office given that the end support post is leaning.
The third priority was the replcement of the west ramp and the entrance stairs on the office and hall. We all agreed that these priority projects would be enough to work on for the near term so we did not set any priority on the rest of the list.
Meeting adjourned 10:30 am

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