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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2010 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > August 16, 2010 Meeting

August 16, 2010 Meeting


EWM Committee Meeting
Monday, August 16, 2010 6:30 PM
Barnes Town Hall
Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order.
Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Glenda Mattila, Dave Pease, Stefania Strzalkowska, Lee Wiesner, Mitch McGee, Gus Gustafson, Sally Pease
Agenda items:
  1. Minutes from the July Meeting
Minutes from the last meeting were discussed Dave Pease made a motion to accept the minutes from the July 19th meeting, seconded by Lee Wiesner; passed.
  1. Communication – Barb
  1. CBCW – Sally, Gus
Gus passed out  detail sheet of paid and volunteer CBCW monitors from April 30, 2010 through August 8, 2010, and a bar graph for total boats inspected for 2008, 2009 and 2010. Numbers are about the same except for Memorial week was up this year and 4th of July week was way down this year.
Sally reported that everything is going good, except for the lack of volunteers on Robinson Lake. Sally is going to make more contacts with property owners on Robinson Lake.
      4. Status of AIS grant application – Pamela, Stefania, Ingemar
            Ingemar reported that all 3 grant applications have been finished. One is for a
            1 year CBCW grant, second for a 3 year CBCW grant and a third for an AIS
             control grant for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes which includes CBCW for all
             the area lakes.  
  1. Dissolve Oxygen meter (price, place to order) Lee, Pamela
A discussion was held for the need for a second DO meter. Currently one DO meter is shared among 13 volunteers. Lee reported that sampling is to be done on the last week of each month and is has become a logistical problem to get the meter out to all of the volunteers on 13 different lakes. It was decided to apply for a grant to purchase a second DO meter, the same make and model as the present DO meter.
  1. Musky weekend (October 2,3) Ingemar
Last year Upper and Lower were very slow during the Musk Inc. tournament with only a few boats checked.  Middle had the most boats with about 45 being reported. Lee will check for funds available from Musky Inc. to pay for boat landing monitors during the tournament as Namakagon Lake was reportedly offered $200.00 to pay for monitors by Musky Inc.
       6. Shoreland Monitoring - Ingemar
            Ingemar asked for an article to be written in the Blog about getting the Shoreline
            Monitoring Forms into the Town of Barnes by the middle of September. Lee
            volunteered to write the article.
      7. Other Business
            Ingemar reminded committee members to report all their volunteer hours. The
            the most recent aquatic plant survey on Tomahawk Lake again revealed no
            EWMF. To find no EWMF on a lake which was treated in 2008 is very
      8. Next Meeting Date
           The next meeting will be on Monday September 20, 6:30PM, Barnes Town Hall
  1. Motion to Adjourn
Motion to adjourn by Dave Pease, second by Lee Wiesner; passed.

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