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Home > Inactive Special Committees > Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee > Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes > Town of Barnes Land Use Plan Update

Town of Barnes Land Use Plan Update


Town of Barnes Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update – Leslie Hall and Lee Wiesner, members of the Town of Barnes Citizen Advisory Board


The end is in sight!  Since September, 2002, the Town of Barnes has been involved in the development of a comprehensive land use plan.  The ten volunteer members of the Citizen Advisory Board (residents and property owners) have been meeting monthly with consultants from Cedar Corporation of Menominee, WI to develop a long range, broad spectrum and integral view of the community’s past, present and future.  The plan responds to and anticipates change and seeks to ensure preservation of desired community characteristics and appropriate growth.  It includes statements of the community’s values, an inventory of the community’s resources, an analysis of trends, an identification of issues and a visionary yet realistic “road map” for achieving what the community envisions.


The Town of Barnes is responding to the Wisconsin Legislature’s most thorough planning legislation yet.  The October, 1999 bill requires that after January 1, 2010 local governments must make land use decisions such as zoning changes, annexations and subdivision plat approvals consistent with its adopted comprehensive plan.  The plan is intended to be advisory in nature and is required to be updated at least every 10 years.


The state law requires 9 elements to be in the comprehensive plan:

           *issues and opportunities



           *utilities and community facilities


           *natural and cultural resources

           *economic development


           *land use



The first step was to conduct a community-wide survey in December, 2003.  Of the 1674 surveys mailed out, 858 were returned.  The survey revealed that the Town of Barnes residents and property owners are drawn by the beautiful and abundant natural resources of the area and enjoy the north woods character of the town.  This attraction to Barnes has led to what some people perceive as unwanted growth or growth that should be managed.


In April, 2004 the Town of Barnes was awarded three Lake Management Planning Grants totaling $26,250 for Upper, Middle and Lower Eau Claire Lakes.  These funds will pay for the community-wide survey, the development of the comprehensive plan for the Town of Barnes and Lake Management Plans for the three large lakes.


The Citizen Advisory Board has developed the following goals for the Barnes Comprehensive Land Use Plan:

1.    Encourage all development to blend in with the surrounding environment to minimize the impact on the Town’s natural resources and protect the Town’s north woods character.

2.    Protect the Town’s lakes and natural resources.

3.    Identify potential areas for a future central business district

4.    Develop ways to provide community facilities and services for area residents.


The Citizen Advisory Committee plans to present the completed plan to the Town Board in November, 2005.  The committee meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at the Town Hall.  The meetings are open to the public and everyone’s input is welcomed and encouraged.  However, since there is an agenda for each meeting, please contact the town office to be placed on the agenda for the meeting.  In the next issue of the newsletter look for more updates including finalized goals of the committee and more details on the Lake Management.



The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM & Wed. 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873
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