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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2010 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > April 19, 2010 Meeting

April 19, 2010 Meeting


EWM Committee meeting
Monday,  April 19, 2010        6:30 p.m.
BarnesTown Hall
Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order.
Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Dave Pease, Mitch McGee, Glenda Mattila, Stefania Strzalkowska, Gerald Gustafson, Pamela Toshner, Lee Wiesner
Agenda items:
1.      Minutes from the February Meeting
Ingemar reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. Ingemar reviewed some of the points in the minutes. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Dave Pease, seconded by Gerald Gustafson.
2.      CBCW hiring for 2010
Mitch McGee and Dave Pease conducted the interviews for the Boat Landing Monitors for 2010. We have rehired the three monitors from 2009: Ken Higgins, Barb Larson, Scott Bell. Sally Pease will be the coordinator for 2010. We have to continue to look for more volunteers to help at the landings.
3.      Volunteer appreciation meeting and materials
Barb Romstad has folks lined up to help with the meeting on April 30, 2010. Glenda Mattila and Dave Pease have offered to bring some bars, Gerald Gustafson is bringing soda. The shoreland monitoring forms are ready to distribute at that meeting. Kits and materials will be available for distribution. Ingemar is in charge of the agenda; Scott Bell will do a presentation.
4.      Shoreland Monitoring
Lee Wiesner will prepare an article for the Barnes Blog and also the POA newsletter about shoreland monitoring. The article will include the monitoring form for people to clip out and use to record and submit hours.
5.      Water Chemistry on Tomahawk/Sand Bar Lake
Gus will be able to do the water chemistry on Tomahawk Lake in 2010. Glenda and her father will do the chemistry on Sand Bar Lake. Lee Wiesner has volunteered to train Glenda to do the task on Wednesday, April 28th
6.      Volunteer hours forms
Gus distributed the labor worksheets and advised everyone to fill them in throughout the season.
7.      Sand Bar LakeManagement Plan
Pamela Toshner will write a management plan for Tomahawk and Sand Bar Lakes in the next couple weeks. Once the plan is completed, research options, including possible treatment of Sand Bar Lake, will be presented to the property owners for their input. Pam proposed that a sub-committee could meet to review the plan. Meeting will take place on May 4th, 9:00 am at the Town Hall. Sub-committee members are Pamela, Stefania, Gus, & Ingemar. Barb will attend to take notes and everyone is welcome.
8.      2010 Meeting with Sand Bar/Tomahawk LakeProperty Owners
There is a meeting scheduled for 1:00 P.M. Saturday, June 5, 2010. We will try to send a survey out to the property owners several weeks prior to the meeting. Ingemar will work with John Skogerboe and Pamela Toshner to pull together an agenda. Ingemar will work with Barb to get the mailing out.
9.      BayfieldCountyASI Roundtable, Saturday April 24
Ingemar will attend to represent the EWM committee.
10. Other Business
·        Some discussion followed concerning being able to have cell phone reception at the boat landings.
·        The future of the CBCW program was discussed and the need to write a grant for its continuation.
·        Some discussion followed concerning other ways in which EWM can be introduced to the lakes. Pamela is going to follow up on the DNR policies concerning the procedures on filling fire trucks from the lakes.
·        Lee brought up some points concerning: the statewide efforts to monitor lakes, the need for us to consider developing a rapid response plan.
11. Next Meeting May 17, 2010, 6:30 P.M. Barnes Town Hall
Motion to adjourn: Lee Wiesner; second, Gerald Gustafson; passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
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