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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2010 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > May 19, 2010 Meeting

May 19, 2010 Meeting


EWM Committee meeting
Monday,  May 17, 2010         6:30 p.m.
BarnesTown Hall
Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order.
Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Dave Pease, Mitch McGee, Glenda Mattila, Gerald Gustafson, Pamela Toshner, Stefania Strzalkowska, Lee Wiesner
Agenda items:
1.      Minutes from the April Meeting
Ingemar reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Dave Pease, seconded by Gerald Gustafson. Passed.
2.      2010 CBCW Program, Barb, Sally Gus
Sally reported that things are going well, she is recruiting volunteers and has picked up some new people. Some discussion took place about calling in the workers if the weather is bad. The workers are using the new data sheets.  
3.      LakeManagement Plan for Sand Bar/Tomahawk Lakes
Pamela will continue to work on the plan for Sand Bar and Tomahawk Lakes. The subcommittee will meet on Wednesday, May 26, at 9:00 am at the Town Hall to review the plan.
4.      Saturday, June 5, 1:00 PM meeting with Property Owners: Pamela, Frank - DNR, John – US Army Corps of Engineers
The mailing went out to the Sand Bar and Tomahawk Lakes property owners last Wednesday, May 12th and Ingemar has already received some responses. The meeting will update everyone on the Tomahawk Lake project, review the survey feedback and discuss a potential plan for Sand Bar Lake.
5.      Rapid response plan for AIS in area lakes
Stefania brought a plan, complete with flowchart, for responding to a possible discovery of EWM in an area lake. Gus has been temporarily designated as the Rapid Response coordinator for the Tomahawk Lake plan. Lee Wiesner will be the Rapid Response Coordinator for the plan that covers other area lakes. Some discussion took place concerning what individual or group will be named in the different roles within the plan. The group decided that a smaller number of people would customize the plan even further; Lee and Stefania will figure out a time and method to do so.
6.      Future 2011 CBCW program  
Ingemar asked the group for input on continuing the CBCW program going into 2011. In 2011 the maximum amount of money we can get in a grant is $4,000 per landing. The new grant is based on a 75/25 match. Options discussed:
·        Do what we have done in the past
·        Do we consider placing a camera(s) at landings in combination with landing monitors?
·        Emulate Shell Lake’s plan, require a purchased permit to launch.
·        If a Lake District is established it may introduce another method of monitoring.
The grant application needs to be submitted by August 3rd.
7.      Other Business
·        John Skogerboe would like lake data collected from Sand Bar Lake every week in June. The monthly lake data needs to be collected the last week of the month from all of the sampled lakes. There is money available for additional testing data. Pamela will follow up on the price and ordering procedure for a Hach DO-meter.
8.      Next Meeting June 21, 2010, 6:30 P.M. Barnes Town Hall
Motion to adjourn: Lee Wiesner; second, Dave Pease; passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM

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