The meeting was called to
order at
Present: Committee members
Marie Hughes, Lee Wiesner, Leslie Hall, Dave Pease,
Marcia Wellnitz, Dave Scharlau
and Dixie Chermack
Absent from the committee:
Ron Pearson, Duke Marten and Don Zigman
Also present: Patrick Beilfuss- Cedar Corporation, Neil Paulson-County Board
Representative and Darren Hughes-Community Resident
There was a correction to the
The secretary read a letter
from Mr. Joel Thomas Evers. The secretary reported that eighteen (18) surveys
were returned, re-addressed and then re-mailed. Nine (9) surveys were returned,
but no new addresses could be found.
Patrick Beilfuss
reported that there were 800-900 survey responses. He reported that the
Mr. Beilfuss
went over the Resolution Authorizing Application for Lake Management Planning
Grant and the Resolution Establishing Public Participation Procedures for
Comprehensive Plan which included Exhibit A-Public Participation Approach.
After a few corrections, both resolutions will be presented for adoption at the
Mr. Beilfuss
also stated that we will have as many public information meetings as needed.
Each committee member was
asked to recruit three (3) community members to be on the Citizen’s Advisory
Board. Members will be asked from: Fire Department, Ambulance Department,
Lion’s Club, VFW Post and Auxiliary, Garden Club, Homemakers Club (HCE), ATV
Club, Snowmobile Club, Property Owners Associations, AARP and business owners.
A Citizen’s Advisory Board of approximately thirty (30) people is the goal.
Dave Pease handed out
information regarding housing units in
Neil Paulson alerted us that
we should pay attention to the Transportation Element of our Comprehensive Land
Use Plan concerning the weight limit on
The next meeting will be held
The meeting was adjourned at