Present: Comprehensive Land
Use Planning Committee members- Leslie Hall, Duke Martin, Lee Wiesner, Marcia
Wellnitz, Dave Scharlau, Ron Pearson and Dixie Chermack.
Absent: Comprehensive Land
Use Planning Committee members-Marie Hughes, Dave Pease and Don Zigman.
Present: Issues and
Opportunity Committee members- Donna Porter.
Absent: Issues and
Opportunity Committee members-Dave Pederson and Dave Thorson
Also present: Patrick
Beilfuss, Cedar Corporation; Tim Kane, UW-Extension Agent; Carol Tierney and
Norbert Kearns.
The meeting was called to
order by Vice-President Lee Wiesner who welcomed and introduced Donna Porter of
the Issues and Opportunities Committee and guests Carol Tierney and Norbert
The following Cedar
Corporation billings have been paid:
Total $ 11,913.28
Mr. Beilfuss informed us that we received the full
$27,000.00 Spring Lake Planning Grant from the DNR.
Goals, Objectives and Program/ Policies: We reviewed
these initial suggestions and discussed changes/ additions.
Issues and Opportunities-First Draft: Chapter One was
reviewed and discussed. The chapter dealt with Historical Population,
Population Projections, Household Forecasts, Employment Forecasts, Age
Distribution, Education Levels, Income Levels and Employment Characteristics.
In preparation for our May meeting, we are to review
the Goals and Objectives and come up with some suggestions. We also need to
study the Issues and Opportunities Draft.
The next meeting will be
Motion by Dave Scharlau and seconded by Duke Marten to
adjourn the meeting at
Respectfully submitted,