Present: Dave Pease, Marcia Wellnitz, Lee Weisner, Duke
Marten, Donna Porter, Leslie Hall and
Also present: Patrick Beilfuss-Cedar Corporation, Mike Furtak-Assistant
Zoning Assistant, Southern Bayfield County.
Absent: Ron Pearson, Dave Scharlau, Don Zigman and
Chairman Pease called the
meeting to order. The minutes were unanimously accepted.
Due to family concerns, Marie
Hughes has resigned from the committee. Donna Porter as agreed to replace
Hughes on the committee.
Chermack presented the last bills from Cedar Corporation.
Patrick Beilfuss reported that our total
Comprehensive Land Use Plan will not exceed $37,000.00. If the costs exceed
that amount, Cedar Corporation will absorb the extra costs. The Town of
Mike Furtak
addressed the following issues:
Our Comprehensive
Land Use Plan should have a statement that the plan recognizes and supports
buffer zones.
Have good
background data for developers.
Our Comprehensive
Land Use Plan should have a statement that the plan supports correct handling
of ground water and septic water.
Explanation of
Condo Zoning and Land Use.
Explanation of a
Bunk house description.
Strongly emphasized concern of rezoning Forest
Lands that are owned by Timber companies.
There was a discussion about
a packet, made up of various information concerning land and shoreland management, to be disbursed to each lake
property owner. This will be researched
in the future.
The meeting adjourned at