Present: Don Zigman, Marcia Wellnitz, Dave
Pease, Dave Scharlau, Duke Martin, Leslie Hall, Dixie
Chermack and Tim Kane-UW Extension Office Agent.
Absent: Marie Hughes, Ron Pearson,
Lee Wiesner
Chairman Dave Pease called
the meeting to order.
The motion was made by Marcia
Wellnitz, seconded by Dave Scharlau
to approve the June 18, 2003 minutes. Motion passed.
The third and latest revised
contract from MSA was reviewed and compared with our list of change requests. MSA’s new contract reflected many of our requests, denied
our request to pay for all of the survey and made some changes in the
deliverables we didn’t ask for and didn’t like. After much discussion, a motion
was made by Dave Scharlau, seconded by Marcia Wellnitz, to deny entering into a contract with MSA
Professional Services to facilitate a Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Town
of Barnes. The motion passed. The secretary was directed to
inform MSA of this decision by letter.
The next order of business
was to decide which consulting firm the committee wanted to interview.
Based on the April 9, 2003 voting of most desirable consulting firms, the
committee decided to invite Cedar Corporation of Menomonie
and Stable Solutions of Ashland to a meeting on July 21, 2003 for interviews. The secretary was directed to make
these arrangements.
The motion was made by Dave Scharlau, seconded by Duke Martin to adjourn at 8:35PM. Motion passed.
Dixie Lea Chermack, Secretary
July10, 2003 Footnotes:
- Dixie had spoken with Larry Peterson on July 9, 2003 and he expressed his regrets, but he decided to
drop his membership with the committee. His resort needs his full
attention at this time.
- Cedar Corporation will be here at 6:00PM July 21, 2003. Stable Solutions will be here at 7:00PM on July 21, 2003 and MSA Professional Services will be here at 8:00PM July 21, 2003.
- The proposals from Cedar Corporation and Stable
Solutions are at the town office for your review before the July 21,
2003 meeting.