Present: Donna Porter, Dave
Pease, Marcia Wellnitz, Gene Ratzel, Duke Marten, Leslie Hall, Dave Scharlau,
Carol LaBreck and
Absent: Don Zigman, Lee
Wiesner and Ron Pearson.
Also present: Dick Collyard,
Earl Gregoire, Bill DeReul-Senior Land Asset Manager-Plum Creek Timberlands LP,
Patrick Beilfuss-Cedar Corporation, Tim Kane-UW Extension Agent,
The existing land use map was
discussed. Some areas needed to be changed. Their identities were incorrect.
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to the future land use map. Due to
various opinions, no consensus was formed. Patrick will send us each a new map
with all forests shown in green. Each person is to color their map according to
their ideal land use for the future. At our June meeting, we will try to form
one map of the future land use from these twelve maps.
Than you to Marcia Wellnitz
for the brownies and coffee.
Our next meeting will be on
Motion made by Duke Marten
and seconded by Donna Porter to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The
meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,