Present: Duke Marten, Leslie
Hall, Dave Pease, Ron Pearson, Lee Wiesner, Marcia Wellnitz, Donna Porter, Gene Ratzel,
Carol La Breck and
Absent: Don Zigman
Also present: Patrick Beilfuss-Cedar Corporation and Tim Kane UW-Extension
Resource Agent
The March minutes were
approved. Motion by Lee Wiesner, second by Ron
Pearson. Motion carried.
Three future Barnes land use
maps were presented by different committee members. Much discussion ensued
concerning placement of commercial, residential and sewer district placement.
Patrick took the maps and our ideas and will compile the first draft of the
future land use map. We will review and revise at our next meeting on
We are pleased to have two
new members-Gene Ratzel and Carol La Breck.
Thanks again to Marcia Wellnitz for the brownies and coffee.
The meeting was adjourned at
Secretary-Town of