OF JANUARY 21, 2003
Chairman Dick Smith called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Chairman Smith read the January Amended Agenda as follows:
Call the meeting to order
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Approve the January Amended Agenda
Approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher Approval
Clerk/ Correspondence
Anyone not on agenda-5 minutes
Change date of February Town Board meeting-3rd Tuesday is the Primary Election date.
Sweet Lake Property-Taylor Investments-Ask Town of Barnes to consider an easement to the property.
Fire and Ambulance Department-Wages for 2003-Update on Ordinances-LOSA Update-Formal
announcement of Tom Renz as Fire Chief.
New tanker (Agenda originally read "pumper') for Fire Department-Both tankers are old.
Department is asking town to buy new tanker.
Cemetery Committee-Bud Pease
Centennial Celebration Committee-Update on progress. Petition the board to OK changing the town
committee to a citizen’s committee.
Economic Development Corporation
Land Use Planning Committee- Updates-ETN Class for members
Department Head Reports
Board Member Reports
Motion (Peterson / Chermack) to approve the January Amended Agenda. Motion carried.
Motion (Webb / Peterson) to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Debbie Sesko gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows:
Checking balance from last meeting $ 154,903.13
Receipts # 15663-# 15688 $ 112,994.80
Checks # 16065-# 16199 $ (101,465.45)
December Federal Tax Payment $ (3,551.80)
January Federal Tax Payment $ (3,783.12)
December Interest $ 91.79
December Service Charge $ (17.35)
Check # 13705 dated 3-8-01 voided (never came through) $ 10.95
Checking Balance $ 159,182.95
Highway Department Sinking Fund-Receipt # 15671 -$167.79 $ 54,706.69
Highway Department Operational Fund-Receipt # 15672-$5.97 $ 1,005.97
EMS Sinking Fund-Receipt # 15673-$84.87 $ 33,751.91
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EMS Operational Fund-Receipt # 15674-$4.46 $ 1,004.46
Park Savings-Receipt # 15675-$23.19 $ 9,284.34
Ski Trail Savings-Receipt # 15676-$2.72 & # 15682-$300.00 $ 1,381.53
Parade-Event Calendar-Receipt # 15666- $50.00 & #15677- $5.65 $ 2,560.12
Balance All Accounts $ 262,877.97
Motion (Meinke / Webb) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Motion carried.
Motion (Chermack / Webb) to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
Clerk / Correspondence- There were three Intent to Cut orders. Two were for Plum Creek Timberlands for Plum Creek Timberlands property. The other one was for Barbara Forster for Carl Peters, Mason. There was no other correspondence.
The clerk wanted to remind everyone of the Voter Forum sponsored by the Barnes AARP Chapter. This forum will be held on Friday January 31, 2003 at 6:30Pm at the Town Hall. All candidates for the Chairman’s position and the Supervisors’ positions will have about 5 minutes to give their points of view and then the audience will be allowed to ask questions of the candidates. The snow date in case of bad weather will be Monday February 3, 2003 at 6:30PM. Everyone is welcomed to come and meet the candidates and share a cup of coffee and some cookies.
Change Date of February Town Board Meeting-Because the Primary Election will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of February, February 18, 2003, which would be the regular meeting date, the board will hold its meeting on Monday February 24, 2003 at 6:30PM.
Everyone is reminded to come out and vote at the Primary Election. There will also be a Primary Election for Judge of Supreme Court.
Sweet Lake Property-Taylor Investments- Terry Gibbs of Taylor Investments brought to the board the issue of the property on Sweet Lake that is land locked. He is looking for the town to give an easement to the Sweet Lake Property through the Aichele and Kerr properties. Taylor Investments wants to purchase and develop that property. Mr. Gibbs stated that the lots, if developed, would not be condos, but regular lake lots. There were some questions on if land locked property could get access from the other property owners by taking of their land. There were several concerns talked about on this point. After reviewing the map of the property, it was found that Smith Lake Road was not the road that the investment firm would be able to access. The road that he was questioning is a private road. There was a question on if the town could give an easement for land locked property across private property. Dixie Chermack said that according to the State Statutes, the town board has no authority to lay out a private easement for a land locked property. Discussion was made on various issues. Gibbs said a township could force a laying out of a highway-it can force access. Chermack said "if it were in the public's interest, taking into consideration the costs". Gibbs said that the main cost would be on the developer. Several townspeople spoke of their objections to the project. Jack Meinke asked a question if an environmental impact study had been done on the project? It has not been done yet. The land in question is approximately 20 acres according to the developer. Gibbs said that right now it is basically a useless piece of property, but could be developed into something that could benefit the town. Dixie Chermack read from the zoning ordinances on lake lot size requirements. Mr. Gibbs said that the firm would look at everything again, the fact that the road in question is not a town road, and also take into consideration the feelings of the townspeople on this development and get back to the board on what direction they will take. Because this is a preliminary request, the board will look at the issues involved and talk to the attorney on it.
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Fire and Ambulance Department-Chairman Smith introduced Tom Renz as the new Fire Chief. Smith said that the board would back him 100%. There was a question from the audience on the wages. Marilee Ludgatis asked why the clerk, treasurer and constable got a 3% raise and the guys in the shop didn't get a raise. It was stated that they got a 1.4% cost of living raise and that the raise that was given to those said elected officials, was voted on at the last Annual Meeting. Chris Webb said that this was not the issue to spoken of here, that it is that wages of the ambulance and fire departments only. Marilee than asked why the wages were cut for these departments. Webb described the plan for the wages, saying that there was actually a raise for almost all position, not a decrease in wages. The wages for the fire department are proposed as follows:
Fire Department Wages 2003
Administrative Wages- Fire Chief $4,400.00 per year
Assistant Fire Chief $2,200.00 per year
Secretary/Treasurer $ 500.00 per year
$7,100.00 Total per year
Administrative wages are to be reviewed annually by the Town Board. The Town Board is considering altering the administrative wage structure prior to the next election of these positions.
False alarms / cancelled calls / stand-by $ 15.00 per hour (was $12.29)
Respond to incident requiring action $ 31.00 per call plus $15.00 per hour
(this was $30.66 plus $12.29)
Requires definition of incident to be included in Fire Department Ordinance
False alarms / cancelled calls / stand-by $ 15.00 per hour (was $12.29)
Respond to incident requiring action $ 15.00 per hour " "
Requires definition of incident to be included in Fire Department Ordinance
Ambulance Driver
Act as ambulance driver (firefighter/ EMT or First Responder) $ 31.00 per call plus $15.00 per hour
(Was a straight $61.32 per call)
Training and Meetings
In-House Covered by LOSA
Training or classes sponsored by or under the control of approved agencies
Lasting 3 hours or less $ 20.00 per session plus mileage
Lasting more than 3 hours $ 40.00 per session plus mileage
The firefighters have two years from January 1, 2003 to get their training to be in compliance with State law.
Dixie Chermack asked if an employee of the town in another line of work, that would go on an emergency call, would get paid from both areas of work. The answer is no, only the wages that that person elects to take-one or the other, not both. This issue was discussed with the garage supervisor, who will initial the person's time card, and also was discussed with the fire chief.
Motion (Webb / Meinke) to accept the wages statement [as stated above] beginning January 1, 2003. Motion carried.
LOSA-For firefighters to be included in LOSA certain criteria must be met. They have to be in good standing in the department according to Com 30. The following is the Length of Service Awards Program statement:
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Purpose: The Length of Service Award program (LOSA) is funded between the State of Wisconsin and the Barnes Town Board. The program is intended to provide incentive for gaining new members, retaining current members, as well as encouraging current members to become more active.
Scope: This program will cover all members of the Barnes Fire Department who are legal members who have completed an application form and have been accepted as a member of the fire department. Members on leave of absence are not covered and will not qualify for benefits for the period of leave of absence. The benefit will continue the first day of the month following the end of the leave of absence.
To qualify for benefits of the program, criteria must be met. The intent of the criteria is to be as fair as practical for as many members as possible, while keeping in mind the wide variety of lifestyles of members, as well as providing a method of accurately determining who will qualify for benefits.
Members-Defined in two categories
1. Firefighter-A member in good standing, meeting the minimum requirements set forth in Com 30 or any labor law which over-writes or replaces Com 30.
2. Trainee-Any person in good department standing who have not met the minimum training standards, but has not reached their two-year anniversary date as a member of the Barnes Fire Department.
Motion (Webb /Chermack) to accept the LOSA criteria [as stated above]. Motion carried.
Ambulance Department Wages 2003
Administrative Wages
Ambulance Director $4,400.00 per year
Assistant Ambulance Director $2,200.00 per year
Secretary / Treasurer $ 500.00 per year
$7,100.00 Total per year
As with the Fire Department, the Ambulance Department administrative wages are to be reviewed annually by the Town Board. The Town Board is considering altering the administrative wage structure prior to the next election of these positions.
Pay-Per-Call EMT
False alarms / cancelled calls / stand-by $ 15.00 per hour (was $12.29)
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Attend patient during transport / intercept $ 50.00 per call plus $15.00 per hour
(was a straight $61.32 per call)
Requires definition to be included in Ambulance Department Ordinance
Pay-Per-Call First Responder
False alarms / cancelled calls / stand-by $ 15.00 per hour (was $12.29)
Attend patient during transport / intercept $ 31.00 per call plus $15.00 per hour
(was a straight $61.32 per call)
Requires definition to be included in Ambulance Department Ordinance
Ambulance Driver
Act as Ambulance Driver $ 31.00 per call plus $15.00 per hour
(was a straight $61.32 per call)
Training and Meetings
In-House Meeting $10.00 per session paid into savings plan January 31st of each year
In-House Training $10.00 per session paid into savings plan January 31st of each year
Payment for In-House Training to be held in a savings plan to be
distributed upon retirement from the Ambulance Service or upon
resignation from the service.
Training or Meetings by Other Authorized Agencies
Lasting 3 hours or less $20.00 per session plus mileage
Lasting more than 3 hours $40.00 per session plus mileage
The Ambulance Department did not vote to go with the LOSA plan and to be on an equal with the Fire Department, they will have money paid each January 31st with a possible $240.00 per year to be set aside in a savings account that will be paid out to the person upon retirement from the service or leaving the department. This would be paid when members comply with attending the designated number of meetings and in-house training. LOSA could be an option in the future for the Ambulance Service, however. There was a question as to when the ambulance department said they did not want the LOSA plan. Webb said that this was voted on at the November Ambulance Department meeting. The money would be held as a payment to LOSA in the future if they decide to go that route or held in an account under the person's name.
Motion (Webb / Meinke) to accept these wage schedules for the ambulance personnel for 2003. Motion carried.
Webb said that she and Meinke would be getting together with the attorney to get the other paper work started on. One of the things they will be working on is the job descriptions for the departments. For the Ambulance Department, there is a new law called HIPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) that has been around since 1996.There are 9 steps that have to be accomplished by April 2003 to become compliant. Some of the issues that need to be decided are 1. Establishing a timetable and budget for compliance and 2. Appointing a privacy officer. This all has to do with confidentiality, patient records, etc. The director and assist director will take this position. There may be some money involved in this program. Webb also mentioned that there will be an EMS Council Conference to be held this next weekend and there will most likely be more information on this then.
New Tanker for Fire Department-Tom Renz the fire chief gave a talk on the need for a new tanker for the fire department. At a recent fire, both tankers went out and it was just lucky that they were able to save as much structure as they did. Both tankers are old-one is from 1968 and the other is from the '70's. It
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is hard to get parts for them and they are continually being worked on. Webb asked if the first step would be to have some specs written out and what is needed on the tanker? Renz said that yes, this would be the first step. Peterson asked if the fire department had looked into a used one? Renz said that they had, but most are pretty old, then you are getting other people's problems. The 1968 tanker was new in 1968 and the other was bought in 1974. Smith said that the equipment was old and that the town needed some better equipment. He asked the fire chief to get the specs and start the process going as it would take awhile to finally get the vehicle. There was a question on if there were any funds or grants available for such a purchase. It was not known if there was. There are loans available. Webb asked if the other necessary equipment would be gotten also, such as new hoses. Renz said he would be looking into those areas also. Renz said there may be a possibility for our town to be a demo site for the line of fire trucks he is looking at, and perhaps could get a discounted price, but he is not sure of this. The price would most likely range between $120,000.00 to $140,000.00.
Cemetery Committee- Bud Pease gave the Cemetery report. There has been no activity there lately. Pease reported that the committee is looking for a new member to replace Ray Norton who passed away recently. Any person interested in being on the Cemetery Committee should contact the clerk or Bud Pease.
Centennial Celebration Committee- Lu Peet reported on the progress of the committee. The committee would like to petition the board to become a Citizen’s Committee instead of a Town Committee. Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to change the committee to a Citizen’s Committee. Motion passed. The Centennial Celebration Committee will no longer be subject to the Town Board.
Economic Development Corporation- Gene Ratzel reported that there had been no changes since the last meeting. Ratzel said he would get something going on the web link to post information for the corporation.
Land Use Planning Committee-Updates-ETN Classes for members. The committee held an election at its last meeting on the 15th of January. The officers are: Dave Pease, Chairman; Lee Weisner, Vice Chairman; Dixie Chermack, Secretary. The committee requested permission from the board to send any member who desired to go, to attend the ETN class on Land Use to be held in Hayward on January 30, 2003. Motion (Peterson / Webb) to send any members to the ETN class for a cost of $12.00 per member. Motion carried. There are two members who have expressed an interest in attending so far. The committee reported that it would be a long process to complete the Land Use Plan, about 2 years. Their next meeting will be on Wednesday February 12, 2003. Input is very important and everyone is encouraged to attend these meetings. The committee is looking at getting a grant to help pay for a hired firm to do the planning, as many other communities have gone this route. There was a statement that the committee should be made up of a broad section of the community. The reply was that it was advertised and that there are 9 members on the committee at this time.
Department Head Reports-
Garage Report-Len Schiller reported that the crew has shouldered 1,400 feet of Lake Road on the south side of the road. He didn’t know how long it would hold up. The mower has been repaired and Zifko Tire had to come out to repair a tire on the ’97 dump truck because it was loaded and the shop jack could not safely handle the change. Otherwise it has been slow and routine for the garage.
Constable's Report- The clerk read from the Constable's Report as he is at class in Superior. The constable had 10 calls that he responded to since the last meeting, with a total of 920 patrol miles. Most of the calls were for ATV violations, alarms and car/deer hits. The clerk stated that the miles the constable gets paid for are only for schooling and not patrol miles. He gets one gallon of gas per day for the patrolling. The class he is attending tonight is paid for through the Department of Justice system.
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Ambulance Department Report-The clerk read the report as given to her by Viola Friermood as follows:
Since the last board meeting we have had 6 ambulance calls.
2 to Hayward.
1 no transport.
Responded with fire department on 3 calls.
Ordered 2 new radios.
Will be checking on prices for 2 or 3 new defibs.
We will be having our re-cert training at our next meeting.
Viola S. Friermood, Ambulance Director
Fire Department Report- Tom Renz gave the fire department report as follows:
We have had 3 fire alarms; one garage fire, one dumpster fire and one false alarm.
We have purchased some new equipment and have used some of the Fire Department Volunteer funds for two new air packs. We have also purchased a heat- seeking gun that will save time in mop up operations. We have one new fireman.
Anyone not on agenda- 5 minutes. No one spoke.
Board Member Reports-Larry Peterson reminded all about the special meeting on Thursday night the 23rd of January with the Town of Highland at our hall. They will meet to discuss how the fire and ambulance departments will work to provide protection for the towns. All are invited to attend. Peterson mentioned the article in the Bayfield County Journal that said that the Town of Barnes would receive $274,644.00 in highway funds. Smith said that is because we did a lot of roadwork and have a lot of road miles. We still have a lot to do. Chermack asked if the other board members had filled out the survey that was received by all of them. The consensus of opinion was that it was trying to get more big government control of the towns and most did not respond to it. Meinke just wanted to thank all for coming out in the cold. Webb asked the fire department if they had sent out the forms for the LOSA signup to each member. The money and report are due on the 31st of January. She also asked if another setup for the tables could be used the next time we have a board meeting, so that backs are not to one another. It will be looked into.
Motion (Meinke /Peterson) to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55PM.
Members of the board present: Chairman Dick Smith; Supervisors Larry Peterson, Chris Webb, Jack Meinke and Dixie Chermack. Also present were Treasurer Debbie Sesko and Clerk Lu Peet.
Members of the community present: Jim Hardy, Gene F. Ratzel, Brett Harper, Rosanne Ratzel, Pat LeVoir, Dale Turbeville, Lee Turbeville, David Pease, Colin Nowaczyk, Judy Neider, Lanny Neider, David Scharlau, Mary Jo Scharlau, Dick Collyard, Nancy Collyard, Donna S. Porter, Grace Wisdom, George Wisdom, Mitch McGee, Marilee Ludgatis, Dick Collier, Norb Kearns, Dave Thorson, Gene Miller, Tom Renz, Paul Aichele, Diane Aichele, Paul Mueller, Dorothy Mueller, Bud Pease, George Martin, Terry Gibbs and Len Schiller. There may have been others not signed in or noted.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucille J. Peet
Barnes Town Clerk
Dated this 29th day of January 2003