Members of the Comprehensive
Land Use Committee present: Ron Pearson, , Duke
Marten, Donna Porter, Dave Pease and
Marcia Wellnitz, Lee Wiesner..
Also present: Jack Meinke, Jay
Strucel-Plum Creek, Tim Kane -UW Extension Agent for
Meeting was called to order
by Dave Pease.
Motion to dispense with the
reading and to approve the last month’s minutes w/correction from Patrick that Jay Strucel and not Bill DeRue that
passed out examples of zoning suggestions.
Motion by Marcia and 2nd by Lee. (C)
Patrick passed out Land Use
Plan Book of September 2006
Not a lot of new information
in the draft except for revisions on the sheet that Pat distributed.
We went over some of the
revisions: residential units added, implementation, etc.. Discussed storm water management plans for
permitted new construction or additions to protect waters. Suggested it be done for all
within 1,000 feet of bodies of water.
Discussed statutes of Plan
Commission and Patrick will bring them to the next meeting.
By the next meeting date
everyone should have looked at this draft.
It will be on the web site and some books will be at the town hall for
the public to look at but not removed from the hall.
The next meeting will be a
joint meeting with the Board and the Planning Commission to go over the draft
and make recommendations for any changes.
DNR has the Lake Management
Plan. Surveys are coming in and being
Tim distributed a Design
Guidelines Booklet that is to enhance community appearance and protect natural
Next meeting will be
motion to adjourn/Lee 2nd. (C)