OF MAY 10, 2006
Comprehensive Planning
Committee present: Leslie Hall, Dave Pease, Donna Porter, Duke Marten, and Ron
Citizen Advisory Members
Present: Carol LeBreck, Gene Ratzel, Earl Gregoire, and Jay Strucel
Also present: Patrick
Beilfuss-Cedar Corporation, and Mitch McGee.
Dave Pease called the meeting
to order at 6:30PM. Changes in
the Minutes of April 26th meeting are:
Change public information
meeting to Open House. They then send it
to the Board to recommend adoption of the Plan.
Motion (Hall/Marten) to approve the minutes with the above changes.
Motion carried.
Pat passed out a timeline and
proposed Open House. The proposed Open
House will be July 15, 2006 at the Town Hall.
A Public Hearing will be possibly in August or September in conjunction
with the Eau Claire Lakes Property Owner’s Association Annual Meeting. The Public Hearing will focus mostly on the
future. After the Plan is adopted the work goes to the Plan Commission.
Lake Management is a separate plan.
Environmental Department is working on this along with the Property
Owner’s Association. Carol LeBreck
believes this should be a strong consideration before the Plan is
approved. The Lake Management Plan has
to be done by December, 2006. We don’t
know if the Town needs to approve this plan. The purpose of the Lake Management
Plan has recommendations as to zoning issues – is a big part of the Grant we
received. Can we approve the Land Use Plan without the Lake Management
Plan? We don’t believe we should without
having all the data. The DNR needs to
approve the watershed survey for the plan before it is sent out to people who
own property within the watershed.
Recommendations in this plan would include all lakes.
Community Facilities and Utilities
ATV Maps will be verified by
Dave Scharlau, Snomobile Maps will be verified by Russ Carter. Pat will discuss
bike trails and hiking trails in this section.
In the survey it was asked if they would support all kinds of trails.
82% want more hiking trails
58% want more ATV trails
30% Oppose ATV trails
21.8% Opposed Snomobile
They are not planning on
expanding snowmobile trails
Map locations are off by 1
number. they will be revised.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, June
14, 2006 at 6:30PM at the Town Hall.
The agenda will be “Implementation of Elements”. We were given the list
of Elements, who would be responsible
and recommendations.
Motion (Porter/Marten) to adjourn the
meeting. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Porter
Secretary-Comprehensive Land Use Committee