Members of the Comprehensive
Land Use Committee present: Ron Pearson, Leslie Hall, Duke Marten, Donna
Porter, Dave Pease and Marcia Wellnitz.
Absent: Dave Scharlau, Don
Members of the Land Use
Elements present: Earl Gregoire, Carol LeBreck and Sharon Moen.
Absent: Dave Pederson and
Gene Ratzel.
Also present: Jack Meinke,
Bill DeRue, Tim Kane -UW Extension Agent for
Dave called the meeting to
order at
Motion by Marcia Wellnitz and
seconded by Dave Pease to have Sec. 19-30 T46N R9W as all Forestry as on
current land use maps. Motion passed.
Motion by Duke Marten and
seconded by Donna Porter to have Sec. 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 T46N R9W to stay as
Forestry, with S W 40 as Residential and with the 40 containing East Eight Mile
Lake plus the subdivided strip on the
north edge as Residential (as in concept 1 and 2). Motion passed.
Motion by Marcia Wellnitz and
seconded by Ron Pearson to have Sec. 36 T46N R9W to stay as Forestry. Motion passed.
Motion by Donna Porter and
seconded by Duke Marten to have Sec. 1, 2 and 3 T45N R9W stay as Forestry, with
40 containing the south edge of
Motion by Donna Porter and
seconded by Marcia Wellnitz to have Sec. 4 T45N R9W to stay as Forestry. Motion
Motion by Ron Pearson and
seconded by Dave Pease to have Sec. 5 T45N R9W stay as Forestry. Motion passed.
Motion by Ron Pearson and
seconded by Donna Porter to have Sec. 6 T45N R9W part of south east corner of 4
40’s remain as Forestry. Sec. 7 to all remain as Forestry except for the
Potawatomi subdivision. Motion passed. 6-0
Motion by Ron Pearson and
seconded by Marcia Wellnitz to include all of Potawatomi subdivision in T45N
R9W as Residential and in Sec. 7, 8, 17 and 18 T45N R9W includes all of
Motion by Ron Pearson and
seconded by Leslie Hall to have Sec. 18 T45N R9W the 2 40’s (NW and NNW) remain
as Forestry. Motion passed. 6-0
Motion by Donna Porter and
seconded by Ron Pearson to have Sec. 15 T45N R9W, the 2 40’s on
Motion by Donna Porter and
seconded by Duke Marten to go with concept 2 for Sec. 13 T45N R9W (the 40’s
Motion by Marcia Wellnitz and
seconded by Donna Porter to have in Sec. 24 T45N R9W the center 4 40’s plus
“Other Forest” 40 (Dark Green) to stay as Forestry. The rest of Sec. 14 T45N
R9W will be Residential. Motion passed. 6-0
Motion by Donna Porter and
seconded by Dave Pease to use concept 1 for Sec. 23 T45N R9W to have it all the
subdivided 40’s remain as Residential , except the 2 40’s going up from Kelly
Lake Road (SSE and above). Motion passed. 5-1
Motion by Ron Pearson and
seconded by Dave Pease to have Sec. 22 T45N R9W remain as on original land use
map as all Forestry except for 2 Agricultural 40’s. Motion passed. 5-1
Motion by Donna Porter and
seconded by Marcia Wellnitz to have Sec. 21 T45N R9W (Little Island Lake
[Corner 4 40’s of Sec. 21] as Residential; the 2 north 40’s on Barnes Road as
Residential and 2 south 40’s on Barnes Road as Agricultural; the 2 south 40’s
along Moore Road as Residential; Leave the other 6 40’s in Sec. 21 as Forestry).
Motion passed. 5-1
Motion by Donna Porter and
seconded by Ron Pearson to use concept 2 map for Sec. 20 T45N R9W as all
Residential. Motion passed. 6-0
Motion by Ron Pearson and
seconded by Donna Porter to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. The meeting was
adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Wellnitz