OF FEBRUARY 24, 2003
Present: Dave Pease, Marcia Wellnitz, Duke Marten, Ron Pearson, Marie Hughes, LeRoy Wiesner, Dixie Chermack and Larry Peterson. Also present was Tim Kane of UW-Extension Community Resource and Development. Absent: Leslie Hall and Don Zigman.
Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.
The agenda was approved.
The purpose of the meeting was to review the list of Comprehensive Land Use Planning Consultants and to review the Request for Proposals (RFP).
Marcia explained the background of selection of the seven consultants. The following consultant firms are:
1. Stable Solutions-Ashland, WI
2. Impact Planning-St. Paul, MN
3. MSA Professional Services-Baraboo, WI
4. Foth and Van Dyke-Green Bay, WI
5. Cedar Corporation-Menomonie, WI
6. Northwest Regional Planning Commission-Spooner, WI
7. Vierbicher Associates, Inc.-Schofield, WI
Motion by Ron Pearson / second by Larry Peterson to send Requests for Proposals (RFP) to all seven consultants. Motion passed.
Tim Kane presented the Request for Proposal (RFP) form that we could use. The proposal includes an Introduction of Barnes, Background of Barnes, General Scope of Work, Proposal Requirements, Timeline, Proposal Deadline, Costs, etc. The committee chose Friday March 28, 2003 at 4:00PM as the deadline that all proposals need to be received by us.
Motion by Marcia Wellnitz / second by LeRoy Wiesner to send this proposal to the seven consultants on Tuesday February 25, 2003. Motion passed.
The committee also decided to advertise for consultants in the following publications: Washburn's The County Journal, Ashland's Daily Press and the Northwoods Shopper.
Copies of the Request for Proposals (RFP) and the list of Comprehensive Land Use Planning Consultants are at the town hall for public review. The committee welcomes your input.
Motion by Larry Peterson / seconded by Duke Marten to adjourn at 6:30PM. Motion passed.
Dixie Lea Chermack